
Find out what's happening in your local community. Use the map or the search and filter below to read BLM Announcements by region.
Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Idaho, Boise DO

BLM to host adoption event at Boise Off-Range Wild Horse Corral

The BLM Boise District Office will host a wild horse adoption June 7 - 8 at the Boise Wild Horse Off-Range Corral just off Pleasant Valley Road. There will be approximately 60 wild horses and seven burros available this weekend.
Arizona, Tucson FO

BLM approves Middle Gila South Transportation Plan

The Tucson Field Office has finalized the Middle Gila South Access and Transportation Management Plan Environmental Assessment for BLM-managed public lands close to Tucson and Phoenix and near small towns and communities in Pinal, Pima, Cochise and Gila counties, Arizona.
Arizona, Lower Sonoran FO

BLM issues decision on Sonoran Desert National Monument target shooting

The Bureau of Land Management has issued a final decision to approve an amendment for dispersed recreational target shooting in the Sonoran Desert National Monument Resource Management Plan.

Safety advisory: Volunteer trash cleanup in Rogers Canyon on June 8, 2024

The Bureau of Land Management is partnering with local entities for a trash cleanup effort in Rogers Canyon on Sat, June 8. We advise the public to be extra cautious with the added amount of foot traffic in the area.
Arizona, Colorado River DO

BLM implements seasonal fire restrictions in central and western Arizona due to increased fire risk

Effective Thursday, June 6, at 8 a.m. seasonal Stage 1 fire restrictions will be implemented on Bureau of Land Management-managed lands in the Colorado River District and Phoenix District.
Nevada, Humboldt River FO

BLM seeks public input for the Wildcat Exploration Project in Nevada

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on a preliminary Environmental Assessment for the Wildcat Exploration Project in the Seven Troughs Range of Pershing County.
Alaska, Fairbanks DO

Temporary closure to restore fish habitat in the White Mountains National Recreation Area

The BLM Alaska Eastern Interior Field Office will temporarily close 44 acres below the Nome Creek Bridge in the White Mountains National Recreation Area while stream restoration work is underway June 6 – July 20.
Oregon-Washington, Klamath Falls FO

Volunteer Event at Wood River Wetlands

On Saturday, June 15, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLMs) Klamath Falls Field Office is hosting a Volunteer Event at Wood River Wetlands from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wyoming, High Plains DO

BLM Casper reopens Muddy Mountain for the summer

The Bureau of Land Management Casper Field Office has reopened Muddy Mountain Road for the summer.

Montana-Dakotas, Western Montana DO

BLM drills new water well at Devil’s Elbow Campground on Hauser Lake

The Bureau of Land Management’s Butte Field Office has started construction of a new well at Devil’s Elbow Campground on Hauser Lake northeast of Helena.
New Mexico, Roswell FO

BLM implements fire restrictions at Fort Stanton – Snow River NCA and Lincoln Tracts

Due to high fire danger and prolonged drought, the BLM is implementing fire restrictions on public land at the Fort Stanton - Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area and BLM lands around the community of Lincoln.