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BLM seeks public input on recreation permit fees in Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on a proposal to adjust recreation permit fees at the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) to continue to provide essential services, increase customer service, and enhance recreation opportunities and experiences for public land visitors. Recreation permit fees are an important revenue source for Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area’s continued operation, management and maintenance.
Oregon-Washington, Roseburg DO

Annual Fire Prevention and Emergency Closure Order on Public Lands Rescinded

The Bureau of Land Management has removed all fire restrictions and emergency closures on lands administered by the BLM, Roseburg District.
New Mexico, Pecos DO

La BLM solicita comentarios públicos sobre la subasta de arrendamiento de petróleo y gas en Nuevo México

La BLM en Nuevo México abrió hoy un período de comentarios públicos de 30 días para que el público opine sobre las tres parcelas de petróleo y gas con un área total de 1,261.44 acres.
New Mexico, Pecos DO

BLM seeks public comment for May 2025 oil and gas lease sale in New Mexico

The BLM New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public comment period to receive public input on three oil and gas parcels totaling 1,261 acres that may be included in an upcoming lease sale in New Mexico.
Wyoming, Pinedale FO

BLM High Desert District plans to conduct prescribed burns

There is the potential for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) High Desert District (HDD) to conduct prescribed burns on multiple lands managed by the Pinedale Field Office and associated partners this fall and winter.

The Travertine Hot Springs will be temporarily closed

The Bureau of Land Management will be temporarily closing the Travertine Hot Springs in Mono County from 4 p.m., Wed., Oct. 30, to 4 p.m., Wed., Nov. 6, for use by a local Tribe. The public lands described in this order will be closed to all forms of public access, including but not limited to, vehicular, pedestrian, and camping activities.  

BLM lifts northern California fire restrictions

The Bureau of Land Management has rescinded its fire restrictions order for public lands managed by the Arcata and Redding field offices in Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Trinity, Shasta, Butte, Tehama and Siskiyou counties. Hourly limits on use of internal combustion engines off roads and trails and on recreational target shooting also have been lifted.

BLM lifts fire restrictions on public lands in NE Calif., NW Nevada

With the return of cool, fall weather, the Bureau of Land Management has rescinded fire restrictions on public lands managed by the Applegate and Eagle Lake field offices in Lassen, Modoc, and Plumas counties, the eastern parts of Shasta and Siskiyou counties in northeast California, and in parts of Washoe and Humboldt counties in northwest Nevada.

BLM announces fall color ride on Bizz Johnson Trail

Opportunities to enjoy peaking fall colors along the Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail, await hikers and bike riders, as the Bureau of Land Management and Lassen Rural Bus offer their annual fall colors bike ride and shuttle, Saturday, Oct. 26. The BLM will shuttle bikes and the bus will carry riders from Susanville to ride starting points on the trail.
California, California Desert DO

BLM lifts seasonal fire and target shooting restrictions in the California Desert District

The California Desert District is lifting seasonal fire restrictions as of Thurs., Oct. 24, by midnight, to safely allow campfires and target shooting on BLM-managed public lands in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial, southern Inyo, eastern Mono, San Diego, and eastern Kern counties. Restrictions on smoking will also be lifted on BLM-managed public lands within San Diego, eastern Kern, western Riverside, western San Bernardino, and eastern Los Angeles counties.
Wyoming, Lander FO

BLM Wind River/Bighorn Basin District lifts fire restrictions

With cooler temperatures and increased precipitation, the Cody, Lander and Worland field office areas are no longer under fire restrictions. However, it's still dry out there so please keep wildfire prevention in mind.