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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE

BLM to conduct prescribed fire at Bodie Hills for wildfire prevention

The Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office plans to conduct prescribed fire operations as soon as Feb 24 in areas of the Bodie Hills, northeast of Lee Vining, in Mono County. Pile-burn operations will only be conducted when weather and fuel moistures allow for safe and successful burning.
Oregon-Washington, Northwest Oregon

BLM reopens Quartzville Back Country Byway

The Bureau of Land Management has reopened the Quartzville Back Country Byway after a temporary closure due to a rockslide in late December 2024.
Canyon Country DO, Monticello FO

BLM asks climbers to protect raptors in Indian Creek

The Bureau of Land Management urges climbers and outdoor recreationists to avoid certain areas in Indian Creek from March through late summer to protect nesting raptors.
Nevada, Tonopah FO

BLM seeks input on updates to Bullfrog wild burro management

The management area includes more than 146,700 acres of BLM-managed public lands. It also encompasses nearly 10,500 acres of mixed private and other public lands.
Wyoming, Lander FO

Ruth Miller begins appointment as BLM Lander field manager

Miller comes to us from the BLM Montana/Dakotas State Office. In her new position, she oversees the management of approximately 2.5 million acres of public land in central Wyoming.
California, California Desert DO

BLM seeks input on proposed Chubbuck Mine access road and associated facilities

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a draft environmental assessment for a proposed access road and associated facilities on about six public acres adjacent to the existing Chubbuck Mine in San Bernardino County.

BLM WY State Office shifts to appointment system for public room use

The Bureau of Land Management Wyoming State Office has implemented a call ahead appointment system to allow for a more streamlined use of the public room.
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

BLM seeks input on Thirtymile Recreation and Travel Management Project

Attention outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers: The Bureau of Land Management is improving access and management of the diverse recreational activities available in the Thirtymile Creek and the John Day River area.
Utah, Green River DO

BLM seeks public comments for allowing events at Swasey’s Beach

The BLM Price Field Office is seeking public comments on issuing special recreation permits for up to five events annually at Swasey’s Beach. The 15-day comment period runs through March 5, 2025.
Utah, Cedar City FO

BLM seeks input on e-bike use on trails in Iron and Beaver counties

The BLM is seeking public scoping comments for the proposed use of Class 1 e-bikes on designated mountain bike trails across six trail systems on public lands in Iron and Beaver Counties.
New Mexico, Las Cruces DO

BLM seeks input on proposed earthen dams project

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a draft environmental assessment for the proposed Starvation Draw earthen dams project near Deming in Luna County.