General Land Office Records

General Land Office Record of the Week

Each week, the Bureau of Land Management releases a story map featuring unique records from the General Land Office records collection.

Record of the week shortlist map

This week's Record of the Week comes to us from May 1, 1869 and depicts Virginia City, Montana. Once a booming mining town and now...
Our record this week is the original survey plat for Township 2 South 5 West of the Mount Diablo Principal Meridian. Approved April 19, 1864...
This week we take a look at the historic Salmon River in Idaho, which flows through such treacherous conditions that a stretch of it has...
This week's interesting General Land Office record features a land patent that belonged to Adeline Dalton, who was the mother of the ever so notorious...
This week’s record is a patent issued in 1800, but tells a story that started years before. John Cleves Symmes, born in 1742, became a...