2023 Clan Alpine Wild Horse Gather
Purpose of Gather:
The purpose of the gather is to prevent undue or unnecessary degradation of the public lands associated with excess wild horses and burros and to restore a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship on public lands, consistent with the provisions of Section 1333(b) of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. The action is also necessary to reduce overpopulation of wild horses within and outside the area and to prevent further degradation of public lands by balancing herd size.
Details of Gather:
The BLM plans to gather approximately 1,594 wild horses, remove approximately 1,381 excess wild horses, and treat up to 81 mares with GonaCon Equine, a population suppression fertility control vaccine, before being released back to the range along with up to 121 Studs.
The gather is expected to begin November 7, 2023 through December 15, 2023. The BLM will use the helicopter-assisted method.
Public Observation:
Members of the public are welcome to view the gather operations, provided that doing so does not jeopardize the safety of the animals, staff and observers, or disrupt gather operations. The BLM will escort the public to gather observation sites located on public lands. Once gather operations have begun, those wanting to view gather operations must call the Clan Alpine Wild Horse Gather information hotline nightly no later than 5:00 p.m. at (775) 885-6101 to RSVP. The meeting time and location will be available by calling the hotline. If no RSVPs are received by 5:00 p.m., no public viewing will be available the following day.
Adoption Information:
All animals identified for removal will be transported to the Palamino Valley Off-Range Corrals, located in Reno, Nev. Upon arrival to the facility, all animals will be checked by a veterinarian and readied for the BLM’s wild horse and burro Adoption and Sales Program.
The Clan Alpine Herd Management Areas which encompasses 304,763 acres of public and private lands and has an Appropriate Management Level of 612-979 wild horses. Based on a helicopter survey conducted in February 2023, resulting in a population estimate of 1,661 wild horses within and directly outside the management area that did not include the foals counted, the current population is estimated to be 1,993 horses. The population estimate is over two-times above the high end of the established management level.
- Daily Gather Reports
The gather has concluded, this will be the last daily gather report for the Clan Alpine Gather.
Thursday, December 14
Summary: Temperatures 18-43F
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)Animals Released: 81 (0 Stallions, 81 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Wednesday, November 29
>> 12/14/23 anticipated release date for treated mares<<
Summary: Temperatures 18-43F
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 69 (28 Stallions, 32 Mares, and 9 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)Animals Released: 68 (68 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
Black foal, blind in right eye, humanely euthanized.
Tuesday, November 28
>> 12/14/23 anticipated release date for treated mares<<
Summary: Temperatures 18-43F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 64 (22 Stallions, 32 Mares, and 10 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 41 (0 Stallions, 32 Mares, and 9 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)Animals Released: 13 (13 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, November 27
Summary: Temperatures 18-34F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 73 (32 Stallions, 32 Mares, and 9 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 47 (0 Stallions, 29 Mares, and 18 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)Animals Released: 1 (1 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
20+ year-old bay mare, blind in right eye, humanely euthanized.
13 year old palomino stud, broken left hind leg, humanely euthanized.
Sunday, November 26
Summary: Temperatures 18-34F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 43 (18 Stallions, 19 Mares, and 6 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 46 (30 Stallions, 16 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)Animals Released: 25 (25 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
20+ year-old sorrel mare, blind in right eye, humanely euthanized.
Foal roan stud, broken left hind leg, humanely euthanized.
Saturday, November 25
Summary: Temperatures 28-37F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 123 (61 Stallions, 48 Mares, and 14 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 89 (30 Stallions, 51 Mares, and 8 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Friday, November 24
Summary: Temperatures 28-37F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 62 (25 Stallions, 30 Mares, and 7 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 43 (16 Stallions, 18 Mares, and 9 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Thursday, November 23
Summary: Temperatures 19- 36F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
>>Two domestic horses gathered, turned over to the state<<
Animals Gathered: 42 (19 Stallions, 21 Mares, and 2 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 95 (26 Stallions, 44 Mares, and 25 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Wednesday, November 22
Summary: Temperatures 19- 42F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 68 (22 Stallions, 32 Mares, and 14 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 42 (0 Stallions, 42 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)Animals Released: 1 (1 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 5
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 5
White stud foal, blind in both eyes, humanely euthanized.
2 year-old white stud, blind in both eyes, humanely euthanized.
4 year-old black stud, blind in left eye - cancer, humanely euthanized.
7 year-old sorrel stud, club foot deformity, humanely euthanized.
12 year-old bay stud, fractured left knee, humanely euthanized.
Tuesday, November 21
Summary: Temperatures 22- 46F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 68 (29 Stallions, 33 Mares, and 6 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, November 20
Summary: Temperatures 28- 44F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 12 (2 Stallions, 9 Mares, and 1 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 38 (25 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 20 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Sunday, November 19
Summary: Temperatures 36- 56F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 40 (17 Stallions, 11 Mares, and 12 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 82 (23 Stallions, 39 Mares, and 20 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Saturday, November 18
Summary: Temperatures 36- 56F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 97 (33 Stallions, 51 Mares, and 13 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 78 (41 Stallions, 35 Mares, and 2 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
12 year-old bay mare, prolapse uterus, humanely euthanized.
Friday, November 17
Summary: Temperatures 40- 56F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 81 (31 Stallions, 41 Mares, and 9 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 134 (41 Stallions, 65 Mares, and 28 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Thursday, November 16
Summary: Temperatures 36- 60F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 76 (24 Stallions, 46 Mares, and 6 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 123 (49 Stallions, 74 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 4
- Sudden / Acute: 1
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 3
6 year-old buckskin stud, broken neck, humanely euthanized.
20 year-old sorrel mare, cancer in left eye, humanely euthanized.
12 year-old brown mare, blind right eye, humanely euthanized.
16 year-old brown mare, blind right eye, humanely euthanized.
Wednesday, November 15
Summary: Temperatures 35- 60F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 155 (70 Stallions, 77 Mares, and 8 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Tuesday, November 14
>>There were no gather operations today.<<
81 mares were treated with GonaCon
Summary: Did not fly due to helicopter maintenance
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 43 (43 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, November 13
Summary: Temperatures 35- 65F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 83 (44 Stallions, 30 Mares, and 9 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 51 (30 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 8 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 1 (1 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
11 year-old bay mare, fractured pelvis, humanely euthanized.
Sunday, November 12
Summary: Temperatures 30- 59F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 79 (37 Stallions, 29 Mares, and 13 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 157 (60 Stallions, 48 Mares, and 49 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Saturday, November 11
Summary: Temperatures 30- 59F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered: 144 (47 Stallions, 72 Mares, and 25 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 46 (13 Stallions, 30 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 4
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 4
3 year-old sorrel stud, cancer, humanely euthanized.
3 year-old bay mare, cancer, humanely euthanized.
20+ year-old bay stud, abscess infection, humanely euthanized.
3 year-old sorrel mare, severe abscess on neck, humanely euthanized.
Friday, November 10
Summary: Temperatures 30- 59F, horses body condition scores 3-4.
Animals Gathered:85 (34 Stallions, 35 Mares, and 16 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 81 (43 Stallions, 38 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
2 year-old black mare, ruptured tendon on hind, humanely euthanized.
20+ year-old grey stud, cancer polyps on head, humanely euthanized.
Thursday, November 9
Summary: Temperatures 25 - 53
Animals Gathered: 80 (29 Stallions, 43 Mares, and 8 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 89 (42 Stallions, 25 Mares, and 22 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
5-year old bay mare, missing left eye due to a previous injury, humanely euthanized.
Wednesday, November 8
Summary: Temperatures 22-53
Animals Gathered: 130 (62 Stallions, 46 Mares, and 22 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
[Weekday, Month Day]
Summary: (Gather status, temp and weather conditions)
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies)
- GonaCon: 0 (0 Mares)
Animals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Provide short description of each animal death
Gather Status
As of December 14, 2023
Animals Gathered: 1605
1605 Wild Horses (658 Stallions, 737 Mares, and 210 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 1392
1392 Wild Horses (541 Stallions, 644 Mares, and 207 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 81
81 Wild Horses (0 Stallions, 81 Mares, and 0 Foals)
GonaCon: 81 (81 Mares)
Animals Released:
190 Wild Horses (109 Stallions, 81 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 23
-Sudden / Acute: 1
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 22
Scroll to the bottom of this gather page for detailed “Daily Gather Reports"