2020 Desatoya Mountains Wild Horse Gather
Purpose of Gather:
The Desatoya Mountains Wild Horse Gather is scheduled to start on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. The purpose of the gather operation is to prevent further degradation of the public lands associated with over-grazing by an overpopulation of wild horses. As of July, 2019, the BLM estimated approximately 558 wild horses roamed the Desatoya Mountains Herd Management Area (HMA)
Details of Gather:
The BLM Carson City District Stillwater Field Office plans to gather approximately 450 wild horses and remove 431 wild horses from within and outside the Desatoya Mountains HMA starting December 4, 2019. The animals will be transported to the Palomino Valley Off-Range Wild Horse and Burro Corrals in Reno, Nevada.
Public Observation:
Members of the public will have an opportunity to view gather operations, provided that it does not jeopardize the safety of the animals, staff, or observers, and does not disrupt gather operations. The BLM will escort the public to gather observation sites located on public lands. The BLM anticipates that viewing opportunities will begin on or about December 4, 2019, weather and logistics permitting. Those who want to view gather operations are asked to call the Desatoya Gather Hotline at (775) 885-6101 at least one day in advance to receive specific instructions on meeting locations and times. The hotline will be updated each day by 7:00 p.m.
Adoption Information:
Animals gathered will be made available for adoption at Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center in Reno through the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program. Those that are not adopted will be cared for in off-range pastures, where they retain their "wild" status and protection under 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
This gather is part of a landscape multi-year habitat restoration and maintenance project which was implemented in 2012, and is located on public lands in Churchill and Lander County, Nevada . The HMA includes portions of the Clan Alpine, Porter Canyon, and Edwards Creek livestock grazing allotments. Additionally, the HMA overlaps the Desatoya and Reese River sage grouse population management units and the Desatoya Wilderness Study Area. The Desatoya HMA consists of approximately 69% of the estimated 230,000 acres of the Habitat Resiliency, Health, and Restoration Project area.
The Desatoya Mountains HMA is situated within the administrative jurisdictions of both the BLM Carson City (CCDO) and Battle Mountain District Offices (BMDO) and is administered by the CCDO through an agreement with the BMDO.
The Appropriate Management Level (AML) for the Desatoya Mountains HMA is between 127-180 animals. Current population estimates as of July 2019, are 558 wild horses.
The last gather of the Desatoya Mountains HMA occurred in August 2012 with 405 horses gathered and 24 stallions released back on the range. The most recent inventory was conducted in July 2019. During this inventory, 558 wild horses were observed within the Desatoya Mountains. Horses outside of the HMA were included in this calculation as horses can move between the HMA and areas outside of the HMA.
- Daily Gather Reports
Thursday, December 12
Summary: Operations concluded under partly cloudy skies and temperatures from 28 to 42 degrees.
Animals gathered: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, 0 Foals)
Animals shipped: 101 (35 Studs, 47 Mares, 19 Foals)
Animals (Mares) treated: 10
Animals released: 24
Total deaths today: 1
Acute: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing: 1Six year-old bay roan stud euthanized due to a pre-existing condition (deformity -- club foot) with poor prognosis for recovery, as per IM 2015-070.
Wednesday, December 11
Summary: Gather operations continued under partly cloudy skies and temperatures from 28 to 42 degrees.
Animals gathered: 66 (21 Studs, 26 Mares, 19 Foals)
Animals shipped: 90 (39 Studs, 21 Mares, 30 Foals)
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Tuesday, December 10
Summary: Gather operations continued under partly cloudy skies and temperatures from 19 to 37 degrees.
Animals gathered: 118 (51 Studs, 39 Mares, 28 Foals)
Animals shipped: 85 (39 Studs, 26 Mares, 20 Foals)
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Monday, December 9
Summary: Gather operations continued under partly cloudy skies and temperatures from 23 to 37 degrees with calm, then light, winds.
Animals gathered: 95 (38 Studs, 35 Mares, 22 Foals)
Animals shipped: 40 (13 Studs, 16 Mares, 11 Foals)
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Sunday, December 8
Summary: Gather operations continued under partly cloudy skies and temperatures from 26 to 37 degrees with calm, then light, winds.
Animals gathered: 35 (15 Studs, 13 Mares, 7 Foals)
Animals shipped: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, 0 Foals)
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Saturday, December 7
Summary: Gather operations continued under partly cloudy skies and temperatures from 28 to 43 degrees with calm, then gusty, winds.
Animals gathered: 42 (9 Studs, 21 Mares, 12 Foals)
Animals shipped: 38 (0 Studs, 24 Mares, 14 Foals)
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Friday, December 6
Summary: Gather operations continued under sunny skies and temperatures from 23 to 40 degrees.
Animals gathered: 18 (9 Studs, 8 Mares, 1 Foals)
Animals shipped: 18 (9 Studs, 8 Mares, 1 Foals)
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Chronic/Pre-existing:Note: During gather operations on December 6, approximately 6 wild horses unexpectedly broke from their path and ran through an existing fence near the gather site, despite the fence having been “flagged” with pink ribbon to increase visibility to the animals. The horses then ran through a second fence behind the flagged fence. The horses were later successfully gathered, checked by a veterinarian and treated for minor scrapes and wounds.
Thursday, December 5
Summary: Gather operations continued under partly cloudy skies and temperatures from 32 to 42 degrees.
Animals gathered: 81 (24 Studs, 36 Mares, 21 Foals)
Animals shipped: 60 (17 Studs, 26 Mares, 17 Foals)
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Wednesday, December 4
Summary: No gather operations due to weather.
Animals gathered: 0
Animals shipped: 0
Animals released: 0
Total deaths today: 0
Gather Status
This gather was completed on 12/12/2019
Animals Gathered: 456
456 Wild Horses
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 10
10 Wild Horses (0 Stallions, 10 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Released: 24
24 Wild Horses
Deaths: 1
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
Scroll to the bottom of this gather page for detailed “Daily Gather Reports"