2024 Black Mountain HMA Wild Burro Gather - Gather Complete
The gather will begin on or around January 8, 2024, utilizing the national drive trap contract; using a helicopter-assisted method.
This drive trap gather is expected to take about eight weeks. All gather operations will be overseen by the BLM Colorado River District, Kingman Field Office, and Arizona State Office.
All excess wild burros identified for removal will be transported to the Florence Off-Range Wild Horse and Burro Corrals, located in Florence, Ariz., and to the Ridgecrest Regional Wild Horse and Burro Corrals near Ridgecrest, Calif. where they will be checked by a veterinarian and readied for the BLM’s wild horse and burro Adoption and Sale Program.
Purpose of Gather:
The purpose of the gather is to address an overpopulation of wild burros within the Black Mountain Herd Management Area (HMA) to achieve a thriving natural ecological balance, alleviate deterioration of the rangeland as well as to address public safety and private property concerns. The gather will also address human health and safety concerns within the local area related to vehicle collisions with burros on the roadways and damaging private property. For these reasons, local communities in Mohave County have requested that the BLM address the wild burro overpopulation in the Black Mountains.
The Black Mountains HMA has an estimated population of 1,925 wild burros — the largest wild burro herd on public lands, as of November 2023. The appropriate management level (AML) for the Black Mountain HMA is 478 wild burros, set in the Black Mountain Ecosystem Management Plan.
Details of Gather:
The BLM plans to gather and remove up to 1,000 excess wild burros from the Black Mountain Herd Managment Area. In addition, the BLM plans to treat approximately 100 jennies (if they are gathered) with Porcine Zona Pellucida (PZP). The BLM will hold the selected females at the Kingman temporary staging facility until completion of their respective fertility control treatment and release them back on to the range.
The gather will begin on or around Jan. 8, 2024, utilizing the national drive trap contract; using a helicopter-assisted method.
This drive trap gather is expected to take about eight weeks. All gather operations will be overseen by the BLM Colorado River District, Kingman Field Office, and Arizona State Office.
The Black Mountain Herd Area (HA) covers nearly 1.1 million acres of public, state, tribal, and private lands in Mohave County in northwestern Arizona. The Appropriate Management Level (AML) for the Black Mountain HMA is 478 wild burros. As of March 2023, the estimated population was approximately 1,674 wild burros, which does not include the foals born this year. The current population estimate, including the 2023 foal crop, puts the HMA at approximately 1,447 wild burros over AML. The most recent gather was completed in March 2023.
All excess wild burros identified for removal will be transported to the Florence Off-Range Wild Horse and Burro Corrals, located in Florence, Ariz., and to the Ridgecrest Regional Wild Horse and Burro Corrals near Ridgecrest, Calif., where they will be checked by a veterinarian and readied for private placement through the BLM’s wild horse and burro Adoption and Sale Program.
Public Observation:
Public viewing will be available in a limited capacity. Locations and availability of public viewing may change daily throughout the gather. Media and members of the public will coordinate with the gather Public Affairs Specialist Dolores Garcia to receive details such as meet-up times and locations. Four-wheel drive and high clearance vehicles will be required.
Dolores Garcia, Public Affairs Specialist
- Mobile: 602-828-8734
- Email: dagarcia@blm.gov
Adoption Information:
Animals removed from the Black Mountain HMA will be made available for adoption or purchase at Florence Wild Horse and Burro Training and Off-range Corral and the Ridgecrest Regional Wild Horse and Burro Corrals near Ridgecrest, California through the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption and Sales Program.
The BLM manages free-roaming wild horses and burros on public lands as part of its multiple-use mission, with the goal of supporting healthy wild horses and burros on healthy public rangelands. The BLM is responsible for determining and maintaining appropriate management levels (AML) for each herd and works to achieve that population target through a variety of management processes, including limiting reproduction in some herds through the use of birth control and gathers that remove excess animals from the range.
Daily Gather Reports
Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024
Summary: Morning clear starting temperature of 36 degrees Fahrenheit. High 54 degrees Fahrenheit. Partly cloudy in afternoon. Light wind from the north.
Animals Gathered: 80 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (30 Jacks, 36 Jennies, and 14 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024
Summary: Morning clear starting temperature of 37 degrees Fahrenheit. High 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 48 degrees Fahrenheit. Light wind from the north.
Animals Gathered: 24 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (17 Jacks, 4 Jennies, and 3 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 49 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (30 Jacks, 19 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024
Summary: Morning cloudy starting temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. High 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 48 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds varied from 10-15 gust up to 30 from the northwest.
Animals Gathered: 55 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (34 Jacks, 19 Jennies, and 4 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 55 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (17 Jacks, 21 Jennies, and 17 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Friday, Jan. 12, 2024
Summary: Morning cloudy starting temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. High 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 48 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds varied from 10-15 gust up to 30 from the northwest.
Animals Gathered: 60 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (29 Jacks, 25 Jennies, and 6 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 46 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (32 Jacks, 14 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024
Summary: Morning cloudy starting temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. High 61 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 61 degrees Fahrenheit.
Animals Gathered: 63 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (22 Jacks, 31 Jennies, and 10 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 49 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (29 Jacks, 20 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024
Summary: Morning clear starting temperature of 43 degrees Fahrenheit. High 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 64 degrees Fahrenheit.
Animals Gathered: 69 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (25 Jacks, 31 Jennies, and 13 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 61 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (21 Jacks, 21 Jennies, and 19 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, Jan. 15, 2024
Summary: Morning clear starting temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. High 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Animals Gathered: 90 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (53 Jacks, 25 Jennies, and 12 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 54 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (19 Jacks, 35 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024
Summary: Morning clear starting temperature of 36 degrees Fahrenheit. High 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
Animals Gathered: 76 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (23 Jacks, 40 Jennies, and 13 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 59 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (59 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0. Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024
Summary: Morning clear starting temperature of 52 degrees Fahrenheit. High 61 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 61 degrees Fahrenheit. A 13-year-old male was euthanized due to old break in neck. Animal had possible neurological issues per veterinarian on site.
Animals Gathered: 143 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (61 Jacks, 69 Jennies, and 13 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 76 Wild Burros - Ridgecrest, CA
Wild Burros (0 Jacks, 42 Jennies, and 34 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024
Summary: Morning clear starting temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. High of 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Ending temperature 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Light winds throughout day.
Animals Gathered: 171 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (51 Jacks, 95 Jennies, and 25 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 118 Wild Burros - Florence, AZ
Wild Burros (80 Jacks, 38 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Friday, Jan. 19, 2024
Summary: No gather operations. Helicopter maintenance.
Animals Gathered: 0 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 205 Wild Burros - Florence, AZ
Wild Burros (15 Jacks, 147 Jennies, and 43 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other:Animals Released:
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic:
Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024
Summary: Morning partly cloudy starting temperature of 56℉. High 63℉. End temp 60℉. An 11-year-old jack was euthanized at corrals due to old break in left back leg. Animal was captured on 1/18/24 but the break was not noticed until this morning.
Animals Gathered: 114 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (39 Jacks, 55 Jennies, and 20 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024
Summary: Morning cloudy and rain starting temperature of 47℉. High 50℉. End temp 50℉.
Animals Gathered: 39 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (20 Jacks, 12 Jennies, and 7 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 Wild Burros - Florence, AZ
Wild Burros ( 0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other: 0Animals Released: 0
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic:
Monday, Jan. 22, 2024
Summary: No gather operations today due to a combination of factors including the gather site being moved, weather, and a helicopter swap out after maintenance.
Animals Gathered: 0 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 61 Wild Burros - Florence, AZ
Wild Burros (40 Jacks, 21 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other: 0Animals Released:
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic:
Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024
Summary: Rain on off all day. Start 47℉. High 52℉. End 50℉.
Animals Gathered: 126 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (41 Jacks, 63 Jennies, and 22 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 67 Wild Burros - Florence, AZ
Wild Burros (21 Jacks, 23 Jennies, and 23 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other: 0Animals Released:
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic:
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024
Summary: Partly cloudy. Start 36℉. High 58℉. End 58℉. Last day of gather operations. Gather goal met. Animals will be shipped, and BLM staff has set aside and identified jennies to be treated and released in the coming week(s)
Animals Gathered: 38 Wild Burros
Wild Burros (16 Jacks, 19 Jennies, and 3 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 64 Wild Burros - Florence, AZ
Wild Burros ( 64 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other: 0Animals Released:
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic:
Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024
Summary: Gather Operations Completed 1/24. Twelve additional females held back for PZP treatments. Total animals to be returned to the range is 47.
Animals Gathered: 0
Wild Burros (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 138 Wild Burros - Florence, AZ
Wild Burros (28 Jacks, 83 Jennies, and 27 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other: 0Animals Released:
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic:
--day, Feb. X, 2024 --TBD
Summary: Gather Operations Completed 1/24. Twelve additional females held back for PZP treatments. Total animals to be returned to the range is 47.
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP:
- PZP-22:
- Other: 0Animals Released: 47
- Sudden / Acute:
- Pre-existing / Chronic:
Gather Status
The gather began on Jan. 8, 2024.
Gather Operations Completed: Jan. 24, 2024
Cumulative Total:
Updated through Feb. 1, 2024
Animals Gathered: 1,150 Wild Burros
(461 Jacks, 524 Jennies, 165 Foals)
- Animals Gathered Cumulative Total (#): 1,112
- Drive Trapped Cumulative Total (#): 1,112
- Roped Cumulative Total (#): 38
Animals Shipped: 1,102 Wild Burros
(455 Jacks, 484 Jennies, 163 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0
- PZP: 0
- PZP-22: 0
- Other: 0
Animals Released: 47
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
Scroll to the bottom of this gather page for detailed “Daily Gather Reports"