Mantle Adoption and Training Facility

In 2021, the BLM celebrates 23 years of working with the Mantle Family to train and gentle wild horses for adoption. Each year, the Mantle Ranch cares for approximately 200 head of mixed-age and gender of horses. The Mantle Ranch is a family-based business consisting of Steve Mantle, Bryan Mantle and Katie Sherman, and Nick Mantle and his wife Kayla. Steve started working with wild horses in the 1980’s and both Bryan and Nick have 19 years of continuous time working in the family business with the wild horses and BLM. Their operation currently uses the Internet to place over 50% of the adopted horses. The facility offers on-site, and in-person adoptions by appointment. Their training methods involve simple safety, patience and consistency as the top priorities. They spend time observing the horses’ behavior, and then develop a training plan for each horse based on their specific needs. The BLM recently chatted with the Mantles: