Hunting, Fishing and Shooting on BLM Utah Lands
BLM Utah Hunting
Unless specifically prohibited, public lands managed by the BLM are open to hunting under Utah Fish and Game Regulations. A Utah hunting license is required to participate in these activities in Utah. If you have questions on areas that may be appropriate for hunting, you are encouraged to contact the BLM Field Office having jurisdiction over the area.
Areas closed to shooting will be posted; pay attention to signs at kiosks.
For rules, regulations and animal identification information, please visit the State of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
BLM Utah Fishing
Fishing is one of the many ways to experience Utah's public lands managed by the BLM. Whether you prefer fishing on a river, from a boat, or just casting from the shoreline, the BLM offers every enthusiast an opportunity to fish at a number of different recreation sites throughout Utah. With a valid Utah fishing license, everyone can enjoy a day of fishing for popular species of fish, such as large and small-mouth bass, crappie, sunfish, catfish and trout. Those seeking an even further adventure can try their skill in catching a few of Utah's unique species, such as the tiger trout and northern pike.
BLM fishing sites range in setting and many are located near major metropolitan areas. Be sure to review Utah state rules, regulations and fish identification chart before heading out!