Nevada Recreation Partnerships
One of BLM Nevada goals is to build relations and partnerships that result in mutual trust and respect, establish lasting relationships, fully implement our public responsibilities, and diversify our workforce. Partnerships may involve one organization utilizing another’s unique abilities, equipment or services, or it may be a sharing of resources (money, time, knowledge, equipment, etc.) to accomplish short or long-term objectives for one or all of the participating partners. BLM Nevada will champion a collaborative culture that inspires our employees and stakeholders and blurs boundaries in order to get the best outcomes.
Featured Partnerships

three-mile hike and service project in Carlin
Canyon. Six scouts participated and collected
five bags of debris along the road and around
BLM Interpretive signs. (Photo by Elko
District Public Affair Specialist Greg Deimel)
Five Cub Scouts and their Boy Scout Den Chief from Pack 261 in Carlin, NV, recently completed a three-mile hike and service project on a chilly morning in Carlin Canyon along the Humboldt River. The canyon is just off of I-80 and is marked with the Bureau of Land Management Interpretive Signs identifying the California Trail and the unusual geology found in the canyon. The scouts began their hike at the first BLM Interpretive sign and collected trash along the road and at the interpretive sites. “The Cub Scouts have a hike requirement, and our Webelo Cub Scout had a requirement for a service project along the hike route,” said Mrs. Anissa Pooley, Pack 261, Den Leader of Den 1. “We are from the Carlin area, and this area provided an opportunity close to home with no traffic and a beautiful setting.” In total, the group collected five bags of trash in a couple of hours, looked at several beaver dams along the river, and saw muskrats in the river.
“The help from the scouts is greatly appreciated and this effort assists in keeping our public lands clean for future use, “said Mike Setlock, Tuscarora Field Office, Outdoor Recreation Planner. “We look forward to working with other groups regarding stewardship projects for our public lands.”