West Mojave Route Network Project
The West Mojave Planning Area for this project is located in Southern California, and comprises approximately 9.4 million acres of land. The BLM administers approximately 3.1 million acres of public lands within this Planning Area.
The Proposed Land Use Plan Amendment (LUPA) and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) for the West Mojave Route Network Project (WMRNP) was prepared by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in consultation with various government agencies and organizations, taking into account public comments received during the planning effort.
The WMRNP considers seven planning decisions amending the motor vehicle access, recreation and livestock grazing elements within the California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan for the West Mojave Planning Area.
The WMRNP also includes implementation-level decisions, including designation of a route network and associated travel management plans.
The approved Record of Decision for the WMRNP will supplement the 2006 West Mojave Plan and will guide the management of transportation and travel management in the West Mojave Planning Area into the future.
1. Planning Assessment Phase
Visit the project's BLM NEPA Register page for more information.
2. Notice of Intent
Visit the project's BLM NEPA Register page for more information.
3. Scoping Phase
Visit the project's BLM NEPA Register page for more information.
4. Draft EIS: Notice of Availability
Visit the project's BLM NEPA Register page for more information.
5. Final SEIS: Notice of Availability
Visit the project's BLM NEPA Register page for more information.
6. Record of Decision Final
In Progress
Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.