Game Management Unit 22D Southwest
The BLM Anchorage Field Office administers a bull muskox harvest opportunity within Game Management Unit (GMU) 22D Southwest, available to all federally qualified subsistence users who are residents of Units 22B, 22C, 22D (excluding St. Lawrence Island), and 22E. This hunt is on all federal public lands in Unit 22D west of the Tisuk River drainage and Canyon Creek.
Permit Information
Permits are issued by drawing.
Eligible applicants can enter the drawing at the Nome Field Station, 113 West Front St., Room #104, or by email, bseppi@blm.gov.
Drawing permit applicants must provide the following:
- Proof of residency in Units 22B, 22C, 22D (excluding St. Lawrence Island), or 22E
- Current State of Alaska Resident Hunting License
Permitted GMU 22D Southwest Federal Subsistence Harvest Season:
Muskox: For season dates or other information reach out to the Anchorage Field Office Wildlife Biologist: bseppi@blm.gov; 907-267-1282.
View the Unit 22 map and hunting regulations in the Federal Subsistence Regulations Book.