BLM Alaska Forests and Woodlands

Stand of spruce trees in Alaska
Photo shows a typical spruce forest inventoried in 2021 by the Central Yukon Field Office in interior Alaska. BLM photo.

BLM Alaska manages 20-30 million of acres of forests and woodlands. These lands are largely inaccessible and provide limited amounts of timber or other forest products. They are integral parts of wildlife habitat and watersheds. Products ranging from mushrooms to saw timber are harvested each year by individuals, small businesses and large corporations. It is the goal of this program to manage these resources under the principles of sustained yield for the benefit of present and future generations.

The purpose of the Forestry Program is to support the BLM’s multiple-use mission while providing timber, house logs, fuelwood, biomass and other vegetative resources for the Alaskans. The program also supports productive wildlife habitat, recreation and subsistence, while managing for healthy forests and watersheds. Public lands under BLM jurisdiction are managed to be as productive as feasible.