Wyoming Christmas Tree Permits
Wyoming’s BLM offices are selling Christmas tree permits for the 2021 season! You can buy a permit from any BLM field office Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Christmas tree permits are not available at the BLM Wyoming State Office in Cheyenne.
You can buy permits online at https://forestproducts.blm.gov. A BLM permit is only valid on BLM-managed public lands; you can buy a permit for Forest Service land at your local Forest Service office and at some BLM offices. For more information, please call your local BLM office.
Christmas Tree Cutting Tips
- Stay on designated roads and respect private land. Some tree cutting areas may be inaccessible after snowfall – early season cutting is advisable.
- Be prepared! Tree-cutters traveling through Wyoming’s public lands should be prepared for poor road conditions or inclement weather. Make sure you have everything you need for an outdoor venture including warm clothes, food, water, and safety equipment.
- Let someone know where you’ll be going and when you plan to return. If you get stranded, call for help, and stay with your group and vehicle until help arrives.
- Please dispose of trees properly. Consider composting or using for as firewood, if those are options available to you.
- Keep in mind that hunting seasons are usually open during these times. The BLM advises wearing bright colors.