For Kids

Agents of Discovery App

cartoon rendering of Agents of Discovery Seal

Ready to explore Yaquina Head in a whole new way? The Agents of Discovery App allows you to walk the trails and unlock location-based challenges to discover more about the plants, animals, and history of Yaquina Head!

Download the free app and follow the trail!

  1. Join Agents of Discovery, the not-so-secret, secret agency dedicated to learning and playing outdoors to solve challenges.
  2. To get started, download the FREE game and Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area Mission to your mobile device. After downloading the app, visit Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area to play your Mission. *You can also download the app at the Interpretive Center using Wi-Fi.
  3. This game will help you discover the great outdoors—use the hints and clues from your surroundings to solve mysteries of nature, culture, and technology.

Become a BLM Junior Ranger

Explore and celebrate the multiple uses of public lands! The Junior Ranger Program offers books and virtual games that inspire learning and stewardship.

Every Kid Outdoors

Interagency federal park passes are available to all 4th grade students. These provide free access to National Parks, Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Bureau of Reclamation Lands. Yaquina Head has free passes for your 4th graders! More information: Every Kid Outdoors or contact the Yaquina Head education staff

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Winter Beach Safety

Winter weather along the coast can be dramatic, beautiful and extremely dangerous. Please hold onto car doors when getting in and out. On beaches high surf and sneaker waves can knock walkers off their feet. Never turn your back on the ocean and keep children within arm’s reach.

  • High winds yank car doors from hands and make walking difficult.
  • Sneaker waves—sudden tidal surges—can strike at any time knocking walkers off their feet and into the cold Pacific.
  • High surf leaves little beach exposed for walking.
  • Never turn your back on the ocean and keep children within arms' reach.