Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA)
Executive Committee Members
The EC is structured to act on behalf of the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture. The coordination required between the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture occurs, in part, within this Committee.
Kim Prill (Acting Chair) |
Bureau of Land Management Interior Regions 8 and 10 | Acting Nevada State Director |
TBD (sitting member) |
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Interior Regions 10 | Regional Director |
Curt McCasland (designee) |
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Interior Regions 10 | Assistant Regional Director National Wildlife Refuge System |
David Symanski | National Park Service Interior Regions 8, 9, 10, and 12 | Regional Director |
Barbara Eggers (sitting member) |
Bureau of Land Management Headquarters | Assistant Director Management and Administration |
Matthew Shugert (designee) |
Bureau of Land Management Headquarters | Deputy Assistant Director Business Management & Administration |
Mary Farnsworth (sitting member) |
United States Forest Service Region 4 | Regional Forester |
Chris Campbell (designee) |
United States Forest Service Region 4 | Deputy Regional Forester |
Partners Working Group Members
The PWG has the responsibility to ensure accountability of the program, demonstrated results from expenditure of the funds and ensure the program maintains its integrity.
Alan Shepherd (Chair) |
Bureau of Land Management Interior Regions 8 and 10 | Nevada, Deputy State Director Natural Resources, Lands & Planning |
Prudence Crampton | United States Forest Service Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest | Deputy Forest Supervisor |
Annjanette (Annji) Bagozzi | United States Fish and Wildlife Service | Deputy Assistant Regional Director National Wildlife Refuge System |
Matt Brown | National Park Service Interior Regions 8, 9, 10, and 12 | Deputy Regional Director |
Charles Donohue | Nevada Division of State Lands | Administrator-State Land Registrar |
Vinson Guthreau | Nevada Association of Counties. | Director |
Christina Davis-Kernan | Bureau of Reclamation Interior Region 8 Lower Colorado Basin | Deputy Regional Director |
Jaime Leary | Clark County Real Property Management | Real Estate Administrator |
Alejandra Fazekas | City of Henderson Community Development & Services Department | Principal Planner |