BLM Sage-grouse plans

In 2015 the BLM adopted more than 70 management plans to safeguard the landscapes on which greater sage-grouse and more than 350 other species rely for survival and which also sustain the West's rural economies. We worked with partners to revise these plans in 2019 to build flexibility in coordinating various states' wildlife management laws and policies.

Following court orders enjoining the 2019 updates, we have been managing sage-grouse habitat on BLM-managed public lands according to the plans adopted in 2015. Since then, sage-grouse populations have continued to decline, and recent science shows that we need to once again update our plans to allow decisive action across state boundaries to achieve lasting benefits for sage-grouse and sagebrush habitat.

Now, we have proposed alternatives for strengthening these plans, informed by the best-available science and input from local, state, federal and Tribal partners. 

The proposed alternatives build on the most successful components of the 2015 and 2019 plans, incorporate new sage-grouse conservation science and lessons learned, account for changing resource conditions, and balance consistent management across the range with flexibility to address on-the-ground conditions and policies specific to individual states. 

The draft environmental impact statement and proposed plan amendments were published on March 15, 2024. We are currently considering comments received during the 90-day public comment period that closed on June 13, 2024.  

A wildlife specialist carefully cradles a greater sage-grouse hen


Conservation Topics

wind energy turbines
Some of the nearly 67 million acres of sagebrush habitat on BLM-managed lands may also hold potential for renewable energy generation or as locations for transmission lines that connect power projects to the grid. The greater sage-grouse 2024 draft environmental impact statement (EIS) looks at how we can sustain these multiple uses of public lands now and in the future.

2015 Plans

View the 2015 plans for each state, the amendments adopted in 2019, additional environmental analysis completed in 2020 and current planning documents. 

screenshot of web app splash screen for sage grouse plans

Open the map tool and select year(s) in the upper-right. Click on a state or planning area and then on "View" in the lower-right corner of the pop-up. 

Changes made in 2019 and 2020 have been enjoined by court order, and until legal issues are resolved, the BLM is using the 2015 plans to guide its management actions on behalf of greater sage-grouse in Oregon | Idaho | Nevada/ Northeastern California | Utah | Wyoming | Colorado 

These plans were not amended by decisions in 2019 or 2020: N. Dakota | S. Dakota || Montana :: Miles City | HiLine | Billings | Lewistown 2020 RMP : 2015 RMPA | Southwest MT 

Withdrawal of
Sagebrush Focal Areas 

The 2015 management plans include a recommendation that the Secretary of the Interior withdraw habitats designated as sagebrush focal areas (SFAs) from eligibility under the Mining Law of 1872 (subject to valid existing rights). SFAs encompass about 10 million acres of Federal lands in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. 
The BLM has resumed its evaluation of the proposed withdrawal of SFAs from mineral location and entry and will issue a new draft EIS for public review, separate from the EIS analyzing proposed amendments to the 2015 plans.