Geothermal power plant in the Great Basin.

Idaho Geothermal Energy

Lessee at Raft River (called Walker Ranch Geothermal) currently has approval to drill five wells. One well was drilled on lease in 2015, making the first fluid mineral drilling on federal lands in Idaho since the 1980s. Lessee has submitted a utilization plan to the Burley Field Office, to construct a power plant and drill up to 18 additional wells, and to construct pipelines and ancillary facilities. The power plant and an unknown number of wells (of the 18) will be located on private lands. The Burley Field Office is currently conducting an Environmental Assessment for the Walker Ranch project, including determining a compensatory mitigation plan for sage grouse. The proposed activity is located in general sage grouse habitat.

Point of Contact

Bureau of Land Management
Idaho Public Room

1387 S. Vinnell Way
Boise, ID 83709
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. MT
(Closed Federal Holidays)

Phone: 208-373-4000
