Geothermal Guidance
This page serves as a central point of reference and as a repository of reading material and information for the BLM’s geothermal program. Resources included on this page are the following: information about geothermal energy projects, forms, the Code of Federal Regulations, the 1970 Geothermal Steam Act, the BLM’s geothermal Programmatic EIS, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, E-Planning, BLM Geothermal Resource Orders, BLM Instruction Memoranda, guidance for exploration development, surface operating standards and guidelines, cooperative agreements, frequently asked questions, guidance for development on Indian lands and consultation with Tribes, and state-specific regulations.
Code of Federal Regulations
BLM Instruction Memoranda and Information Bulletins
State Specific Guidance
CA IM-2015-007 Rent for Non-Linear Rights-of-Way and Permits
Geothermal Information from California Government
Revised MOU with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWCB) Outlines Procedures for Reporting Proposed Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Field Discharges and for Prescribing Permit Requirements
ID IM-2015-002 Minimum Rental Rates for Certain Non-Linear Rights-of-Way and Land Use Authorizations
State Information about Geothermal Energy
BLM/NDOM 2006 MOU for Coordination of OGG Permitting and Inspection
Geothermal Energy Projects Table Documents may be superseded or revised at a later date
Geothermal Information from the Nevada Government
MOU NDOM BLM 2006 NDEP and NDOM Injection Well 2008
NAC 445A NDEP Water Pollution Control
NDEP/NDOM Cooperative Agreement 2008
NRS 445A NDEP Water Controls
NRS 534A NDOM Geothermal Resources
NV IM-2016-045 Procedure for Granting Verbal Approvals for Fluid Mineral Permits
NV IM-2015-008 Rent for Non-Linear Rights-of-Way and Permits
NV IM-2014-034 Geothermal Exploration Permit Guidance Direction
NV IM-2014-031 Fluid Mineral Leasing of Lands Adjacent to Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas
NV IM-2014-016 Delegation of Authority for Adjudicating and Processing Geothermal Leasing
NV IM-2013-024 Geothermal Permitting
NV IM-2013-023 Procedure for Granting Verbal Approvals for Fluid Mineral Permits
NV IM-2013-009 Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-Grouse Interim Management Policies and Procedures
NV IM-2012-009 Geothermal Exploration Permit Guidance Direction
NV IM-2010-063 Guidance for the Development of Project-Specific Avian and Bat Protection Plans for Renewable Energy Facilities
NV IM-2010-037 Procedure for Granting Verbal Approvals for Fluid Mineral Permits
NV IM-2008-022 Geothermal Drilling Permit (GDP) Processing
NV IM-2004-035 Signing of Geothermal Hazards
State Information about Geothermal Energy
State Protocol Agreement Implementing the National Historic Preservation Act
NM IM-2015-009 Rent for Non-Linear Rights-of-Way and Permits
NM IM-2014-016 Delegation of Authority for Adjudicating and Processing Geothermal Leasing
State Information about Geothermal Energy
BLM MOU OR936-0903 Coordination on Energy Right-of-Way Projects in the State of Oregon
BLM MOU OR936-1505 Cooperating Agency Status for Preparation of the Mt. Baker Geothermal Consent to Lease Environmental Assessment
State Information about Geothermal Energy