Farmington Field Office Scheduled Onsite Inspections

What are Onsite Inspections?

Before approval of an application for permit to drill  (APD), an onsite inspection will be conducted with the operator to further identify site-specific resource protection concerns and requirements.  Prior to, or in conjunction with, the onsite inspection, the surface management agency will advise the operator if any special inventories or studies are required, such as for cultural resources or threatened and endangered species.

December 3, 2024

Enduring Resources IV, LLC has submitted 6 Notices of Staking for the Alamos Canyon 222H, 236H, 258H, 228H, 244H, and 252H. This would involve the expansion and/or reoccupation of five existing well pads and the construction of one new well pad (244H). Multiple pipelines and TUAs are proposed, and one new access road is proposed. Alamos Canyon 228H, 244H, and 252H have features on allotted tribal surface and BLM surface, while Alamos Canyon 222H, 236H, and 258H are on BLM and state lands.

The onsite for the six submitted NOS projects is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3. We will meet at the 44 Store at 9 a.m. and then proceed to each well pad location as a group. We will complete our review of the three well pads involving allotted surface and then proceed to the three pads without allotted components.

For more information and directions contact:

Avery Owen
Natural Resource Specialist

December 4, 2024

WSP has submitted a mine plan for a new humate mine located  at T. 21 N, R. 8 W, Section 34, (L4, SWNE, SENE). The permit area is located on BLM Surface/Mineral. The onsite has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 4. The plan is to meet at the Sinclair Gas Station (Dino Mart, 11260 US-550) at 10:00 a.m. In attendance will be constituents from WSP, NM-Humate, LLC, and New Mexico EMNRD.

For more information and directions contact:

​Aleksandr Knapowski 

Contact Information

Chris Wenman