BLM Colorado Oil and Gas
Oil and gas development on public land and mineral estate is an important economic driver for Colorado's economy. In Colorado, the BLM manages 4,712 leases totaling 3.7 million acres, producing an economic output of $2.3 billion.
The State of Colorado leads the nation in providing a regulatory framework to manage this development in an environmentally responsible manner. The BLM also has a robust regulatory framework, which helps us manage the public's land and mineral estate for multiple uses ranging from energy development to wildlife habitat, recreation and conservation. To balance these often conflicting demands on our public lands, we look to public input and participation to help inform our decision-making.
Visit the Colorado Oil and Gas Leasing page
BLM Colorado Oil and Gas News
U.S. Attorney’s Office Resolves Mineral Trespass Investigation Against Colorado Oil and Gas Company (April 17, 2019)
Greeley Company Agrees to a $214,706 Payment to Resolve Allegations that It Removed Federally-Owned Oil and Gas Without Permission (July 24, 2019)