BLM Utah Mining and Minerals
General Mining and Minerals Information
BLM Utah is responsible for the adjudication, administration, and maintenance of coal and solid non-energy lease authorizations approved on Federally owned mineral estate. We also record and adjudicate mining claim instruments filed with the BLM under the 1872 Mining Law.
The BLM Utah administers approximately 22.8 million acres of public lands and another 9.7 million acres of subsurface minerals estate lands. Utah BLM has one of the most diverse mineral programs in the Bureau with leasing and production in more different commodities than most other BLM states. This diversity increases the complexity of managing the regulatory and adjudicative processes, which are based on many different laws, regulations, and policies.
Attention Miners:
New Location Notices/Certificates must be filed with the BLM Utah State Office, 440 West 200 South, Suite 500, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 within 90 days from the date of location. In Utah, you must record with the County Recorder within 30 days from the date of location. Notice must include township, range, section, and quarter section in which the claim is located, location date, type of location, claim name, claimant(s) name and address. Also, submit a map showing the boundary of the claim within a section. One map may be submitted for two or more claims so long as they are clearly identified.
Prior to disturbance, read Surface Management Notice (3809) and Reclamation.
Go here more information about Mining Claims and Sites on Federal Lands.
YouTube Videos
BLM Utah YouTube Channel contains many informational videos related to mining and minerals.