Cliffside Gas Field and Crude Helium Enrichment Unit Sign

Stewardship of the Federal Helium Program

As required by the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013 (HSA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was mandated to declare in excess the following items: (A) the Federal Helium Reserve, (B) the Cliffside Field, (C) the Federal Helium Pipeline, and (D) all other infrastructure owned, leased, or managed under contract by the Secretary for the storage, transportation, withdrawal, enrichment, purification, or management of helium.

The sale and transfer of responsibility of the Federal Helium System to a private party occurred on June 24, 2024. Since that date, the BLM has been working to fulfill all remaining obligations outlined in the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013.