Press Releases
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BLM approves Sapphire gen-tie transmission line and facilities
oday the Bureau of Land Management helped Unleash American Energy by approving the Sapphire gen-tie transmission line and facilities project on approximately 40 acres of public lands in eastern Riverside County. EDF Renewables Development, Inc., is authorized to construct, operate, maintain, and eventually decommission a transmission line and associated facilities connecting the planned Sapphire Solar photovoltaic and storage facility on private lands to the electric grid.
BLM offers guided hikes, by reservation, on Headwaters Salmon Pass Trail
ARCATA, Calif. – Experience the majestic beauty of ancient redwood stands on a guided hike with the Bureau of Land Management along the Salmon Pass Trail, just six miles from Eureka, and immerse in the wonders of nature.
These hikes in the southern part of the Headwaters Forest Reserve are planned for weekends from mid-May through mid-November at the south end of the Reserve. Registration on is required for each outing. Registration will open on March 17. The BLM will announce hike dates and open registration two months before each hike. The registration links on will close three days prior to each hike.
BLM offers reward in cultural site vandalism investigation
BISHOP, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office is offering a $1,500 reward for information on the individuals responsible for damaging petroglyph panels at the Volcanic Tableland, north of Bishop. The perpetrators vandalized three locations within the site.
BLM and USFS approve plan to remove wild horses near Mono Lake
BISHOP, Calif. – The Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service have approved a plan for the agencies to gather and remove excess wild horses that have roamed outside the Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Territory near Benton onto public and private lands, in accordance with the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burros Act of 1971.
High priority areas for this gather include, but are not limited to, horses located in the Mono Basin and horses along CA State Route 120 East and U.S. Highway 6.
BLM has opening for camp host
The Bureau of Land Management is offering an opportunity to live and work in a beautiful public land setting along the Susan River in Lassen County, as a camp host at a popular day use area.
BLM to conduct prescribed fire at Bodie Hills for wildfire prevention
The Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office plans to conduct prescribed fire operations as soon as Feb 24 in areas of the Bodie Hills, northeast of Lee Vining, in Mono County. Pile-burn operations will only be conducted when weather and fuel moistures allow for safe and successful burning.
BLM seeks input on proposed Chubbuck Mine access road and associated facilities
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a draft environmental assessment for a proposed access road and associated facilities on about six public acres adjacent to the existing Chubbuck Mine in San Bernardino County.
Free mapping program to help Americans navigate BLM public lands
There’s a new tool for recreationists planning visits to public lands. The Free National Mobile Map Package Program allows anyone to access maps so they have the information they need to get outside, even when they are offline
BLM to hold virtual public meetings to discuss OHV grant funds in northern CA
REDDING, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management welcomes anyone interested in off-highway vehicle recreation on public lands to share ideas about the use of California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division grant funding, when the Northern California District hosts a virtual public meeting via Zoom, Tuesday, Feb. 18, from 4 to 7 p.m. The meeting will be divided into three, one-hour segments for the Eagle Lake, Redding and Arcata field offices.
BLM California Desert District seeks public input on 2025 off-highway vehicle grant proposals
The Bureau of Land Management is hosting several in-person and virtual public and stakeholder meetings to gather input to develop off-highway vehicle grant proposals for submission to the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division. Grants support off-highway vehicle management activities, including visitor services, law enforcement, resource protection, planning and monitoring, and maintenance on BLM-managed public lands.
BLM seeks public input on OHV grant proposals in central California
The Bureau of Land Management Central California District is hosting virtual public and stakeholder meetings to gather input on the development of off-highway vehicle grant proposals for submission to the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division. Grants support off-highway vehicle management activities, including visitor services, law enforcement, resource protection, planning and monitoring, and maintenance on BLM-managed public lands.
BLM, USDA Forest Service announce 2025 grazing fees
The federal grazing fee for 2025 remains $1.35 per animal unit month for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month for lands managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service.
Rockfall causes temporary emergency closure on part of Bizz Johnson Trail
The Bureau of Land Management has issued a temporary emergency closure on part of the Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail in response to a rockslide that has blocked the route about three miles west of the Susanville Trailhead.
Neal Craig embracing new role as BLM Ukiah Field Manager
The BLM has selected Neal Craig as the Ukiah Field Manager who will oversee management of more than 270,000 acres of public lands within Marin, Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma, Napa, Colusa, Glenn, Yolo, and Solano counties.
BLM Northern California District Resource Advisory Council to hold virtual meeting
The BLM Northern California District RAC will discuss a range of public land management topics in a meeting to be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, Feb. 5, beginning at 9 a.m.
BLM Central California District Resource Advisory Council to host virtual meeting
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central California Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will discuss a range of public land management topics in meeting to be held virtually on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. The business meeting includes a public comment period scheduled at 1:45 p.m. The business meeting agenda can be reviewed in advance.
Gabe Garcia welcomes role as new BLM Central California District Manager
The Bureau of Land Management has selected Gabriel Garcia to serve as the new District Manager for the Central California District. In this position, Garcia will be responsible for roughly 2.2 million acres of BLM-managed public lands stretching from the Pacific coast through the Central Valley across the Sierra Nevada to the California-Nevada border.
BLM acquires Lost Coast Redwoods property in northern California
BLM acquired the Lost Coast Redwoods property, ensuring lasting protections for about 4,500 acres along 8 miles of California coastline.
BLM approves small parcel of land sale to Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
The Bureau of Land Management today announced approval of a noncompetitive sale of approximately 30 acres of public lands in San Bernardino County to Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, which will use the land for the Barstow International Gateway project, an approximately 4,500-acre, $1.5-billion integrated rail facility that would transfer goods from international to domestic containers and create roughly 20,000 new jobs while helping to address logistics and supply chain issues. The project is also expected to help reduce freeway congestion around the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
BLM, USFS protect historic and cultural resources in the Klamath National Forest
In order to protect the historic and cultural integrity of the Schwartz and Leff Administrative Site along the North Fork of the Salmon River, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland has withdrawn approximately 40 acres of National Forest System lands within the Klamath National Forest from location and entry under U.S. mining laws for 20 years. The withdrawal, initiated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, prevents new mining claims, but allows leasing under the mineral or geothermal leasing laws and disposal under the Materials Act of 1947.
The BLM plans public safety measures for 2025 King of the Hammers race
The Bureau of Land Management will implement a temporary closure of public lands from Jan. 30– Feb. 8, 2025, in the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area, San Bernardino County, during the annual 2025 King of the Hammers desert race event. The race is authorized by a BLM Special Recreation Permit and the temporary closure is necessary to facilitate public safety and provide an enhanced recreation experience for event participants and spectators.
BLM schedules DUI checkpoints on public land within Imperial County
Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Rangers will conduct driving under the influence (DUI) and registration checkpoints from noon to 2 a.m., Dec. 27 to Dec. 31, 2024, on BLM-managed public lands in Imperial County, within the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area.
BLM announces Desert Quartzite Solar is fully operational
The Bureau of Land Management today announced the Desert Quartzite Solar facility, located near Blythe in eastern Riverside County, is now fully operational and producing clean energy to power up to 120,000 homes. The 300 megawatt (MW) solar facility also has 150 MW of battery storage, increasing reliability and availability of clean energy on the state grid.
BLM approves Easley Solar Project in Riverside County
The Bureau of Land Management today approved the Easley Solar project proposed on approximately 2,700 acres of BLM-managed public lands and 990 acres of private lands in Riverside County. The project is expected to generate up to 390 megawatts of photovoltaic solar energy and 650 megawatts of battery storage capacity, delivering reliable clean energy to the statewide transmission grid. The project will add nearly $305 million in infrastructure investment to the community and create 530 construction jobs followed by 10 operational positions once construction is complete.
BLM to host five wildland firefighter hiring events
The Bureau of Land Management is hosting five events to quickly fill more than 100 vital wildland firefighter and various supporting positions throughout the state for the 2025 fire year. Applicants are encouraged to attend one of the in-person events but may apply online in advance.