Press Releases

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FLOWOOD, Miss.— The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event October 7-8, 2022, offering approximately 70 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at the Fo

FLOWOOD, Miss.— The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event September 9-10, 2022, offering approximately 70 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at the

FALLS CHURCH, Va.— The Bureau of Land Management will host an adoption and sales placement event August 12-13, 2022, offering approximately 70 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at Mea

MILWAUKEE – The Bureau of Land Management is holding a wild horse and burro placement event August 12-13, offering approximately 60 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at Ohio Horse Par

FLOWOOD, Miss.— The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event July 15 -16, 2022, offering approximately 70 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at the Bo

MILWAUKEE – The Bureau of Land Management is holding a wild horse and burro placement event July 8-9, offering approximately 60 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at Windom Arena, 1480

FLOWOOD, Ms.— The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event May 20-21, 2022, offering approximately 70 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at South Cong

MILWAUKEE – The Bureau of Land Management is holding a wild horse and burro placement event June 10-11, offering approximately 60 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at Shale Knoll Aren

MILWAUKEE – The Bureau of Land Management is holding a wild horse and burro placement event May 13-14, offering approximately 60 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at Red Horse Ranch,

MILWAUKEE – The Bureau of Land Management is holding a wild horse and burro placement event April 8-9, offering approximately 60 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at the Hillside Eque

FLOWOOD, Ms.— The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event March 25-26, 2022, offering approximately 70 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at the Cent

MILWAUKEE – The Bureau of Land Management is holding a wild horse and burro placement event March 4-5, offering approximately 60 excess animals gathered from western rangelands at the Champions Cen

FLOWOOD, Ms.— The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event Feb.

MILWAUKEE – Stephanie Carman has been selected as the new district manager for BLM Eastern States’ Northeastern States District. Ms. Carman reported to duty on Dec. 20.

FALLS CHURCH, Va. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and United States Forest Service (USFS) are inviting the public to participate in a series of online meetings regarding the

FALLS CHURCH, VA. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern States Office is seeking public comments on a proposal to offer approximately 80 acres of federal oil and gas leases

FALLS CHURCH, Va. – Yesterday, the Bureau of Land Management Eastern States held a ceremony commemorating the signing of a Memorandum

FLOWOOD, Ms.— The Bureau of Land Management will host a wild horse and burro placement event Nov.