Smoke Approval Process

Instruction Memorandum
United States Department of the Interior
Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue, Suite 800
Phoenix, Arizona  85004-4427
August 30, 2011
In Reply Refer To:
9211-1 (9340) P
Instruction Memorandum No. AZ-2011-028
Expires:  9/30/2013     EXPIRED
To:                  District Fire Management Officers, District Fuels Specialists
From:              State Director
Subject:           Smoke Approval Process
Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to identify the process and requirements for coordination of smoke management and prescribed burning treatments between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Arizona Fire and Fuels Programs and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).
Policy/Action:  The ADEQ currently requires each agency to coordinate smoke management and prescribed burning treatments in order to mitigate air quality impacts throughout the State.  The BLM Arizona Fire and Fuels Program will comply with all mandates and timeframes required by the ADEQ to ensure that proper coordination between the two agencies is conducted.
There are four timeframes that must be met in order comply with the ADEQ mandates and timelines.
1.   The annual program of work registration form required by ADEQ will be completed by field units and e-mailed to Rance Marquez, Fuels Specialist, at the State Office (SO) for review by January 10.  The SO will compile the registrations and submit them to the ADEQ by January 15.  Field units will be responsible for the remainder of the treatment (Attachments 2, 3 and 4) submissions.
2.   The ADEQ Burn Plan form will be submitted to the ADEQ 2 weeks prior to the prescribed fire implementation.
3.   Burn requests will be submitted to ADEQ by 1400 hours, the day before the prescribed fire implementation.
4.   Daily prescribed fire accomplishments will be submitted to the ADEQ by 1400 hours on the business day following the date of the approved ignition.
In addition, if the prescribed fire is anticipated to produce a large plume, the plume report will also need to be submitted along with daily prescribed fire accomplishments.
It is recommended that during the National Environmental Policy Act analysis, if smoke modeling shows that smoke may have an effect on a neighboring state, it is advisable to coordinate with the adjacent state(s) smoke coordinator.
Timeframe:  This IM is effective immediately.  The ADEQ smoke year is based on the calendar year, January 1 - December 31.
Background:  ADEQ’s air quality protection efforts are designed to assure compliance with Federal and State health-based air quality standards.  Responsibility for protecting Arizona’s outdoor (ambient) air quality is shared by ADEQ and all land management agencies.  In order to ensure air quality standards are met, it is the duty and responsibility of the BLM to ensure that all planned and unplanned wildland fire activities meet the requirements for reporting and are closely coordinated with ADEQ.
Budget Impact:  None
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None
Contact:  Questions should be directed to Rance Marquez at 602-417-9305.
SIGNED BY                                                    AUTHENTICATED BY
Raymond Suazo                                              Susan Williams
for James G. Kenna                                         Staff Assistant
5 Attachments:
1 - Hourly Plume Observation Report (1 p)
2 - ADEQ Annual Registration (1 p)
3 - ADEQ Burn Plan (2 pp)
4 - Daily Burn Form (1 p)
5 - Daily Burn Accomplishment Report (1 p)