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Request for Comments on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Draft Wind and Energy Guidelines and Draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance

Instruction Memorandum
United States Department of the Interior
Arizona State Office
One North Central Avenue, Suite 800
Phoenix, Arizona  85004-4427
In Reply Refer To:
6500 (9320) P
Instruction Memorandum No. AZ-2011-015
Expires:  09/30/2012     EXPIRED
To:                  District Managers and Field Managers
From:              Deputy State Director, Division of Resources
Subject:           Request for Comments on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Draft Wind and Energy Guidelines and Draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance
DD:  4/22/2011
Purpose:  The purpose of this Instructional Memorandum (IM) is to solicit review and comments from the District and Field Offices on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Draft Wind Energy Guidelines and Draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance.  The FWS is seeking specific comments on the guidelines and eagle guidance, website content, and the appendices.  When considering the Land-based Wind Energy Guidelines, consider the following questions in your comments. 
(1) The approach, utility, consistency, detail, and scientific validity of the draft Land-based Wind Energy Guidelines (Guidelines).
(2) Use of the Guidelines as regulatory for wind facility development on all Federal lands. At a minimum, regulatory for all U.S. Department of the Interior jurisdictional lands where commercial wind projects are being/might be constructed (e.g., National Wildlife Refuges, Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service lands).
(3) Use of the draft Guidelines, once finalized, as regulatory versus voluntary on all lands, public and private.
When considering the Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance, consider the following questions in your comments. 
(1) How could the Guidance better address issues related to wind power development?
(2) Comments on the substance of the Guidance, particularly on Advanced Conservation Practices, compensatory mitigation, and new or expanded definitions.
(3) What additional requirements may be necessary to ensure that wind energy programmatic permits comply with the Eagle Act?
(4) Should the Guidance be voluntary or mandatory?
(5) If the Guidance should not be binding in their entirety, which provisions should be binding?
Policy/Action:  District and Field Offices are directed to review and submit consolidated comments to Elroy Masters, Fish and Wildlife Program Lead, Arizona State Office.  The State Office will consolidate all comment for one State submittal to the Washington office by
April 29, 2011.  The draft documents can be found at: 
Land- Based Wind Energy Guidelines can be found at:
The Draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance document can be found at:
Timeframe:  The deadline for responding to this request is April 22, 2011. 
Background:  See attached Washington Office IM 2011-084 for additional background information. 
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None
Contact:  Elroy Masters, Fish and Wildlife Program Lead, Arizona State Office (AZ9320) at 602-417-9346.
Julie A. Decker
Deputy State Director of Resources
Susan Williams
Staff Assistant
1 Attachment
1 - WO IM 2011-084- Request for Comments on Fish and Wildlife Service Draft Wind Energy Guidelines and Draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance

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