Travel and Transportation Management Performance Measures and Planning Updates

IM 2010-167
Instruction Memorandum



July 27, 2010


In Reply Refer To:

8342 (250) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-167

Expires: 09/30/2011


To:                   All State Directors

From:               Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject:           Travel and Transportation Management Performance Measures and Planning Updates

DD:  9/30/2010

Program Area:  Recreation and Visitor Services.

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to establish internal Travel and Transportation Management (TTM) performance measures and require that state directors update TTM planning schedules and report Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 TTM accomplishments.

Policy/Action:  The internal TTM performance measures identified in Attachment 1 will be used to track accomplishments in the planning and implementation of TTM activities beginning in FY2011.

All state offices will update their respective TTM planning schedules and report the number of travel management plans completed in FY2010 by September 30, 2010 on the CTTM Sharepoint site. The planning schedule template was previously developed under the direction of IM 2010-082, Data Call for Travel Management Planning Accomplishments and Future Planning Timeline Development, which each state responded to in May of 2010.

Timeframe:  The deadline to complete and submit the data required for FY2010 is September 30, 2010.

Budget Impact:  None.

Background:  In 2009, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report titled, Federal Lands:  “Enhanced Planning Could Assist Agencies in Managing Increased Use of Off-Highway Vehicles,” (GAO-09-509).  Recommendation 1 in the report stated, “To help provide quality OHV recreational opportunities while protecting natural and cultural resources on Federal lands, the BLM should enhance the agency’s existing Priorities for Recreation and Visitor Services by establishing performance measures and time frames for carrying out its stated goals for OHV recreation.” 

In response, the BLM agreed to 1) update and develop goals and strategies that are results-driven as part of the revision of the recreation strategic plan, Priorities for Recreation and Visitors Services, by establishing performance measures for travel management; and, 2) develop a travel management action plan that includes an implementation schedule to guide and accelerate all travel management plans. Under the leadership of the Washington Office National Travel and Transportation Management Coordinator, the BLM’s Trails and Travel Management Team held several meetings to develop a set of TTM performance measures designed to track both TTM planning and implementation. These internal performance measures for travel management will be incorporated into the revision of the BLM’s Priorities for Recreation and Visitor Services strategic plan.   In addition, the states were required to develop a TTM planning schedule to establish specific timeframes in which Travel Management Plans are to be developed.  This IM is the culmination of these efforts to respond to the recommendation in the GAO Report concerning the BLM’s lack of TTM planning timelines and performance measures.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  The development of this guidance was coordinated between the Directorate of Renewable Resources and Planning (AD-200), Recreation and Visitor Services Division (WO-250), and the BLM State Office Travel and Transportation Management Leads.

Contact:  If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact Rob Perrin, Trails and Travel Management Program Lead, Recreation and Visitor Services Division by e-mail at, or at 202 912-7243. Or you may contact Andy Tenney, Chief, Planning and Resources Branch, Recreation and Visitor Services Division by e-mail at, or at 202 912-7094.



Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Bud C. Cribley                                                Robert M. Williams

Deputy Assistant Director                              Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Renewable Resources and Planning



1 Attachment

     1 – Travel and Transportation (TTM) Performance Measures and Action Plan (3 pp)


Fiscal Year