Bureau of Land Management Youth Initiative and Employment Goals

IM 2010-110
Instruction Memorandum


April 27, 2010

In Reply Refer To:

1115 (172) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-110

Expires: 9/30/2011


To:                   State Directors and Assistant Directors

From:               Deputy Director, Operations

Subject:           Bureau of Land Management Youth Initiative and Employment Goals


Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to provide direction on field implementation of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Youth Initiative as well as guidance on BLM youth employment goals for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010.

Background:  Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has pledged that the Department of the Interior (DOI) will create the “Next Generation of Conservation Leaders.  As part of the Secretary’s Youth in the Great Outdoors Initiative, the DOI has committed to:

  • Employing thousands of youth to protect and restore our environment, and revitalize our communities;
  • Educating millions of youth about our lands, waters, wildlife, culture, and heritage; and
  • Engaging youth from all backgrounds and all walks of life.


Policy/Action:  For FY 2010, the DOI has established Bureau-specific goals for increasing youth employment.  The goal for BLM is to increase youth employment by 35 percent over 2009 levels.  Attached is a chart with 2010 employment goals for each State.  These goals represent a 35 percent increase over the employment numbers that the States provided to the Washington Office in a data call in August 2009.

Since that time, the DOI has clarified that all categories of youth employment should be counted.  States are requested to track youth employment that meets the following criteria.

  • Youth are between the ages of 15-25.
  • The youth are employed for a minimum of 80 hours of paid compensation.  The 80 hours can be cumulative over the FY.  Compensation can come in the form of a stipend or an hourly wage.  Longer terms of employment are encouraged because they provide a more meaningful experience for the youth participant, allowing more time for mentoring the youth, providing them with employable skills, and instilling valuable stewardship and conservation ethics.
  • Youth job opportunities are provided:
    • Through non-competitive hiring authorities, such as those offered by the Student Educational Employment Programs (SEEP), Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program, Federal Career Intern Program (FCIP), and other intern programs;
    • Through cooperative agreements with partner organizations, such as service and conservation corps, other government agencies, community-based environmental and heritage organizations, and educational institutions, using the authority provided by the Public Land Corps Act of 1993;
    • For youth ages 15-18 using the authority provided by the Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1970; and
    • For seasonal employees, such as firefighting crew members.


The DOI has issued additional guidance to the Bureaus on implementing the Secretary’s Youth Conservation Corps initiative.  The guidance stresses that increased youth employment should be accomplished by expanding use of youth hiring authorities; leveraging partnerships; using proactive targeted recruitment; and providing hands-on, meaningful work experiences.  A copy of that guidance is attached.

Reporting Requirements:  Because the youth employment goal is a Department High Priority Goal, the DOI will be reporting on a quarterly basis to the Office of Management and Budget.  The format of the report and the milestones to be tracked are still being developed by the DOI.  For these quarterly reports, the DOI will rely on employment data from the Federal Personnel Payroll System (FPPS), which provides information about SEEP, FCIP, PMF, and seasonal employees.

By October 1, 2010, the DOI will require each Bureau to report on youth employment in all categories for FY 2010.  The WO-170 and WO-700 will coordinate this reporting effort by providing separate tracking guidance to State Youth Leads and State SEEP Coordinators.

The DOI has also advised the Bureaus that baselines for youth education and engagement programs will be established in FY 2010.  These include such BLM programs as Take It Outside and Hands on the Land.  The WO-170 will be providing additional information on this effort as part of its announcement on Youth Incentive Funding grants for FY 2010.

Timeframe:  Effective immediately.

Budget Impact:  Minimal.

Manual/Handbook Section Affected:  None.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated by WO-170 and WO-700.

Contact:  If you have any questions concerning the content of this IM, please contact Mary Tisdale, Chief, Division of Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships (Mary_Tisdale@blm.gov; 202-912-7450), or Betsy Wooster, National Youth Programs Coordinator (Elizabeth_Wooster@blm.gov; 202-912-7454); or Anzanette Randall, Acting Chief , Recruitment and Retention Programs Branch (Anzanette_Randall@blm.gov; 202-254-3314).



Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Mike Pool                                                                    Robert M. Williams

Deputy Director, Operations                                      Division of IRM Governance,WO-560



2 Attachments

     1 – 2009 Youth Employment with 2010 Goals (1 p)

     2 – DOI Hiring Guidance (4 pp)

Fiscal Year