Nominations for Diversity Change Agent Training

CA IB-2016-014
Information Bulletin

September 20, 2016

In Reply Refer To:
1400-713 (P)

Information Bulletin No. CA-2016-014

To:           All Employees    

From:       State Director
Subject:    Nominations for Diversity Change Agent Training         DD: 09/28/16

BLM California’s Diversity & Inclusion program was created to foster an inclusive and enjoyable working environment, where every employee and stakeholder feels valued and respected. The group is open to all BLM employees and participates in activities to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion principles.
One of these activities is the Department of the Interior’s Diversity Change Agent (DCA) program. The DCA initiative was created to help build and sustain a diverse and inclusive workplace. Specifically, the DCA training includes a 4-day workshop taught by Franklin Convey that focuses on championing diversity, working at the speed of trust, leading across generations and rethinking stress. Currently, there are approximately 500 BLM employees who have completed the training.
To further champion our goal of creating a more diverse and inclusive organization, we are requesting applications for interested employees to attend DCA training in FY17. The California State Office will cover both the tuition and travel to support attendance of this course for approximately 5-10 employees.
Training dates for the fall have been identified as follows: 
     •    October 17-20, 2016, Anchorage, AK
     •    October 25-28, 2016, Boise ID

Applications should be submitted via email to Tom Nichols, EEO Specialist, at To be considered, applications should include:  
     1)     A 1-2 paragraph statement about why the employee is interested in the training. 
     2)    A short statement from the employee’s supervisor approving the application.

Applications for either the Anchorage or Boise trainings are due by September 28th, 2016, COB. 

Additional training opportunities may open up during the year and will be shared via email to all employees.  Tuition and travel may be covered by the State Office for any future Diversity Change Agent training opportunities depending on availability of funds.

To obtain additional information, you may contact Tom Nichols at or 916-978-4493. 

Signed by:                            
Jerome Perez                            
State Director                            

Authenticated by:
Cynthia Diezel
Records Manager (Detailee)



California State Office

Fiscal Year