Facility Compliance Status

IB 2014-020
Information Bulletin




December 13, 2013

In Reply Refer To:

1112, 1703 (850) P

Ref. IM No. 2013-140



Information Bulletin No. 2014-020

To:                   All Field Officials

From:               Chief, Division of Business Resources

Subject:           Facility Compliance Status


Compliance Assessment - Safety, Health, and the Environment (CASHE) status update responses were requested via Washington Office (WO) Instruction Memorandum (IM) 2013-140.  This Information Bulletin informs field officials that the compilation of all CASHE status updates is now complete and has been sent to their respective State Offices electronically.

The CASHE status updates are summarized by State and show the number of incomplete findings sorted by their priority level or risk assessment code for each organizational unit.  Separate tables that describe each organizational unit’s incomplete findings along with its priority level/risk assessment code are included with the summary. 

The CASHE status update will be used to:

  1. Identify CASHE recommendations that are eligible for deferred maintenance or other program funding for their implementation. 
  1. Report the BLM’s performance measure for facility compliance to the Department of the Interior. 


In FY 2013, 114 of 120 or 95 percent of the BLM’s organizational units met the standard for “good safety, health, and environmental condition.”  The performance measure goal for FY 2013 was to have 97 percent of the BLM’s organizational units rated in good safety, health, and environmental condition.  The slight drop in the percentage of organizational units rated in good condition is attributed:  1) budget uncertainty caused the field to delay expenditures and commit the resources necessary to address CASHE recommendations; and 2) the standard for good condition is more stringent that it has been in the past. 

In order to be rated in good condition during FY 2013 an organizational unit must have completed all of its high priority CASHE findings and have no more than one incomplete high priority Radio Infrastructure (RI) CASHE findings.  High priority CASHE and RI CASHE findings are those findings with priority levels IA or IB, or risk assessment codes of 1 or 2. 

In FY 2014 an organizational unit must have all of its high priority CASHE and RI CASHE findings completed.

Attachment 1 shows the number of organizational units in each State and the Washington Office rated in good safety, health, and environmental condition.  Seven states (Arizona, Colorado, Eastern States, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Oregon) and the WO have 100 percent of the organizational units rated in good condition. 

The BLM’s continued excellent performance is due to:  (1) the identification of a portion of the Bureau’s deferred maintenance funding to implement CASHE recommendations; (2) conducting of regularly scheduled follow-up CASHE audits to verify performance; and (3) the annual issuance of this facility compliance progress report to all organizational units that summarizes their findings.

This is the thirteenth consecutive year the BLM has issued a facility compliance progress report.  The field should be proud of their long-term performance trend.  The first year this report was compiled only 59 percent of organizational units were rated in good safety, health, and environmental condition compared with 95 percent in FY 2013.  The field is also commended for their timely responses to the CASHE status update request.

Implementation of CASHE Recommendations:  In accordance with WO IM 2013-140, organizational units are expected to complete or request funding for the completion of all high priority CASHE and RI CASHE recommendations within one-year of their CASHE audit.  Requests for CASHE Corrective Action funding can be made at anytime.  A backlog of unfunded projects is maintained by the CASHE Program Lead.  Any requests for CASHE Corrective Action funding should be made no later than February 28, 2014.   

Questions on the CASHE status update or CASHE Corrective Action funding should be directed to Ken Morin, CASHE Program Lead at (303) 236-6418.



Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Corey Grant                                                                Robert M. Williams

Division Chief                                                             Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Business Resources



1 Attachment

  1 - Number of Organizational Units in Good Safety, Health, and Environmental Condition (1 p) 

Fiscal Year