Glasgow Field Office
The Glasgow Field Office covers Valley County, Montana, located in the northeastern part of the state in the area known as the HiLine. The BLM manages just over one million acres of surface lands in the county and almost 1.4 million acres of mineral estate. The BLM-managed public lands include seven watersheds containing 1,700 ponds/lakes. The vast sagebrush landscapes of Valley County provide habitat for an estimated 4,000 greater sage-grouse and many other species of wildlife. As can be expected, the BLM lands here receive the heaviest recreation use during fall hunting seasons. The Bitter Creek and Burnt Lodge Wilderness Study Areas are important outdoor recreation areas.
The Milk River flows gently through the county from west to east. Meriwether Lewis named the river on May 8, 1805, for its cloudy appearance. He noted a "peculiar whiteness, being about the color of a cup of tea with the admixture of a tablespoonful of milk." Cultural resources abound on BLM lands, and the Glasgow Field Office is working with Montana State University to study the Plains Indians’ use of the Milk River valley.
Mike Borgreen
Latest News
Glasgow, MT 59230
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