BLM Nevada-Carson City District Office

Carson City District Office

The Carson City District Office administers 5.3 million acres of federal public lands in 11 counties in western Nevada and eastern California.

The District is split into two field offices: Sierra Front Field Office on the west and the Stillwater Field Office on the east. Both field office are co-located in the District Office.

Sierra Front Dispersed Camping Regulations

On April 1, 2021, the Sierra Front Field Office began implementation of new dispersed camping regulations in certain areas of public lands. On August 26, 2021, additional dispersed camping regulations were implemented in the Hidden Valley area southeast of Reno and Jumbo Grade area approximately 23 miles south of Reno. On February 14, 2022, additional dispersed camping regulations were implemented in Douglas County surrounding Johnson Lane, Stephanie Way, and Hot Springs Mountain. 

Other public lands in the Sierra Front Field Office will remain open to dispersed camping, if it does not conflict with other authorized uses or in areas posted "closed to camping". If possible, please use existing sites to avoid creating new disturbances.

Due to resource damage and public health and safety concerns caused by continual, concentrated use of specific areas, BLM has determined the need to implement these camping restrictions on a portion of public lands. You can find updated maps of the camping closure areas and information at the following links: Douglas County area mapReno area map; Lyon County area map; Carson City area map;  Hidden Valley/Jumbo Grade map; Sierra Front Field Office Overview; Camping fact sheet.

To further protect your public lands, campers must not dispose of any refuse, hazardous materials, sewage, or in any manner pollute the surrounding area. Dispersed campers are asked to follow the "Leave No Trace" land use ethics.

NDAA and FRTC Information

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (NDAA) was enacted into law on December 23, 2022. This act granted the Navy’s proposed Fallon Range Training Complex expansion and modernization (FRTC).  It also includes other non-military land designations and actions the BLM will be involved in implementing.  These include land conveyances and the designations of a National Conservation Area, a Special Management Area, and Wilderness Areas.  

The US Department of the Navy website provides NDAA and FRTC project information, updates, and the Intergovernmental Executive Committee information and meeting notes.  

Indian Creek Campground 

The Indian Creek Campground in Alpine County is currently closed until further notice due to wildfire damage. This website will be updated with any changes. 

For questions about the Indian Creek reservoir concerning fishing, camping or water quality issues, please contact the following agencies:

Alpine County Fish and Game: 530-694-2287 (Fishing)

South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District: 530-544-6474 (Water Issues)

Bureau of Reclamation, Lahontan Basin Area Office: 775-882-3436 (Water Management, Delivery and Storage)

Sand Mountain Recreation Area

The Sand Mountain OHV Area has been added to the website where digital passes must be purchased. This makes fee compliance easier for visitors to this area. Visitors must now purchase all passes for recreation/camping online at, or by calling the national reservation hotline at 1-877-444-6777. Visitors can no longer purchase permits onsite or through the district office. It is recommended all permits be purchased prior to your visit because of sporadic cell coverage in this area.

Hidden Cave

Hidden Cave is an archaeological cave site located in the Great Basin near Fallon, Nevada. It got its name from Mark Harrington, who first excavated the cave and had a hard time finding the entrance, who said at the time, "This is one hidden cave!"  For questions about Hidden Cave, please call 775-885-6011.


Kim Dow

District Manager



Mailing Address:
5665 Morgan Mill Road
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-885-6000
Fax: 775-885-6147
8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.

TTY/Relay System

If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services.

The Carson City BLM District business hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Appointments are recommended by calling 775-885-6000. 


The Historic Mill Site at American Flat

Focal Point Preview Image

Focal Point Preview Image

Carson Water Subconservancy District Public Service Announcement