Which BLM maps do I need for my hunt?
Each year, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) establishes hunt areas for Wyoming’s game species. You can view these hunt areas via the WGFD’s interactive Hunt Planner map tool.
The BLM publishes land status maps that indicate surface management across the state of Wyoming on a 1:100,000 (100k) scale.
To find the BLM 100k surface management map(s) that you will need for your hunt, visit the WGFD’s Hunt Planner and overlay the BLM 100k Map Grid over your desired hunt units, via the following instructions:
- Go to https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Hunting/Hunt-Planner
- Select your species from the pull-down menu.
- Select "Interactive Map".
- In the map, click on the Layer List, scroll down and check the box next to "BLM 100k Map Grid".
- Click the "x" in the upper right hand corner of the Layer List box to close the list.
- The 100k Map Grid is scale dependent; zoom in on the map in order for the grid to appear.
- In the Layer List, different species can be checked or unchecked for visibility in the map.
- Note which BLM 100k maps intersect your desired hunt areas, and purchase these maps at your local BLM office for $4 per map. Ask your local BLM office about bulk prices.

For information about navigating www.blm.gov/wyoming, please contact blm_wy_webteam@blm.gov.
For information about navigating the WGFD website, please contact the Wyoming Game & Fish Department Headquarters, 5400 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne, WY 82006. 307-777-4600