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frontiers podcast, is the Bureau of Land Management in Alaska podcast show. It delivers exciting and insightful podcasts on BLM programs and topics important in Alaska. frontiers podcast connects with a wide audience, especially those who live, explore, and travel on our spectacular public lands in Alaska.
Help pollinators, “bee” a community scientist

We're all abuzz about bees in this Frontiers podcast. BLM Alaska wildlife biologist Casey Jones recently sat down to talk about community science initiatives and how people can help us learn more about Alaska's bees.
Fire breathing, smoky, and tough – a firefighter’s career

Wildland firefighting is tough, strenuous, and often stressful work. Frontiers caught up with a retired BLM firefighter to find out how the service has changed, and to see if he would do it again.
Learn to Enjoy Your Public Lands Like a Pro

More people than ever are heading from backyard to backcountry to enjoy the Alaska outdoors. So, how are Alaska's public lands holding up to the additional traffic? We caught up with BLM Alaska's recreation program lead to find out.
BLM Alaska Public Room Shedding Light on the Process

BLM Alaska public rooms help folks with all sorts of public-lands related stuff. Right now, they're helping a lot of Alaska Native veterans with land allotments.
Iditarod, the trail you thought you knew.

Iditarod is more than a sled-dog race, it’s a history, a trail, a town — in fact, it’s the only national historic trail in Alaska and the only one like it in the United States!
Watchable Wildlife, a "where to look for what" guide

Alaska's a big place with all sorts of fascinating critters and plants, but where can you find them? In this Frontiers podcast, we're discussing the new Watchable Wildlife brochure -- a field guide to help with your next Alaska adventure.
White Mountains Safety

You’re caught in sub-zero bad weather in the White Mountains National Recreation Area and whatever equipment you were counting on to travel back to the trailhead broke down – here’s some of what you wish you had with you.
White Mountains National Recreation Area

Garrett Jones is a recreation planner who works in one of the most beautiful places in the world. We sat down with him to find out what it's like in the White Mountains National Recreation Area and what it's like as a workplace.
ANILCA at 40, Part 2

ANILCA is 40 years old today. Do you know some of the most important details of this hugely important law? We sat with leadership from the three largest federal land management agencies in Alaska to get their thoughts.
ANILCA at 40, part 1

ANILCA is turning 40 soon. Do you know how it has affected federal land management in Alaska? Do you know what protections are included? In this two-part series, we explore some of the important highlights of ANILCA.