Frontiers. BLM Alaska News Journal. Photo of green northern light in the night sky over White Mountains National Recreation Area in Alaska

Alaska frontiers

Frontiers, is the Bureau of Land Management's news journal for Alaska, delivers exciting and insightful articles on the latest environmental actions, news, policies, and recreational areas. Frontiers connects with a wide audience of active readership, especially those who live, explore, and travel on our spectacular public lands in Alaska.

A wide river at the bottom and center of the image, gentle ripples on its surface and a shallow gravel bar just visible in the bottom left. On either side of the river, there is a bright green boreal forest mostly comprised of tall conifers and shorter, leafier trees. Above and reflected on the water, the sun is setting with yellow-orange clouds scattered across an otherwise bright blue sky. 
From hulking glaciers scattered around the state, to the towering mountains that surround our cities, Alaska’s landmarks are a sight to behold. One such landmark is the Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River.
Bob King talking to scouts at the Department of Interior booth at the Scouts Jamboree
Bob King, BLM Alaska state archaeologist and paleontology lead, is a soft-spoken, even-keeled man whose words are often so thoughtful and deliberate that they can...