National Training Center Conference Room
Our Meeting Facilities and Services
The National Training Center campus, broadcast studios and conference facilities are located in the center of the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona. The classroom and conference facilities can be reserved for use on a space availability basis by BLM offices and other agencies, organizations and institutions.
The BLM National Training Center and Conference Center offers 13 meeting rooms and an auditorium that accommodates 225 people. The facility includes three computer labs and five conference rooms equipped with high speed internet access, built-in projector screens, hard writing surfaces, ergonomic chairs and more. Our goal is to create a comfortable environment, with the right tools at your fingertips, that is conducive to higher learning.
Learn more about our facilities and services.
The BLM's National Training Center consists of three buildings with three levels, connected by a spiral staircase. Each building provides for easy accessibility for all attendees.
We offer free parking on the grounds with overflow parking across the street. The training center is located conveniently close to major hotel chains and restaurants. We also have a break room available for meeting and conference attendees.
The receptionist and two computers classrooms are located on the first floor of our facility. Contact us for more information about classrooms and conference rooms.
The National Training Center provides the following customer service for your meetings and conferences.
Electronic Message Boards. Our support services receptionist will take your telephone messages and any faxes you may receive while you are here at the training center. The receptionist will alert you of messages through an electronic message board, TV monitors located in corridors of each building, and the refreshment room area.
Super Shuttle Service (For the Airport-ONLY). Super Shuttle transportation services are available 24 hours a day, every day. Super Shuttle will provide ground transportation service to and from the airport to the training center and area hotels. Advance reservations are not required upon arrival to the airport, but you will need to make your reservation at least 24 hours in advance for transportation to the airport. Reservations can be made on-line at www.supershuttle.com.Hearing Impaired Visitors. Headsets can be checked out and utilized in every meeting room.