Volunteer With Us!
Thank you for considering volunteering with the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center. Every year, thousands of students, and hundreds of members of the public walk through our doors and hike on the trails. This is a fun, friendly, and creative place to volunteer. We’re dedicated to helping everyone connect to their public lands. Volunteer and join us today!
Current Opportunities
Summer Gardening (May to September)
Garden tool maintenance
Watering plants
Public Programs (year-round)
Assist with events including setting up and taking down chairs, tables, or canopies in indoor or outdoor settings; washing dishes; and general cleanup.
Support the lead guide during outdoor activities such as walks and snowshoe hikes.
Lead interpretative programs and/or activities.
Volunteer Events
Water Discovery Days (Mid-September)
More than 800 fourth graders arrive at the Campbell Creek Science Center to explore the Campbell Creek watershed and learn about salmon and macroinvertebrates. We need volunteers to help support learning stations and other event logistics.
Outdoor Week (Early May)
More than 1,000 sixth graders arrive at Campbell Creek Science Center to learn about outdoor recreation and natural resource careers. Learning stations include gold panning, fly tying, bear safety, and more! We need volunteers to help support learning stations and other event logistics.
National Public Lands Day (fourth Saturday in September)
Join thousands across the country and take part in the largest single-day volunteering event for America's public lands. At Campbell Creek Science Center, in partnership with the BLM Anchorage Field Office, we have constructed new trails, maintained native plant gardens, and more!
Group or Organization Volunteer Projects
Occasionally, we have special projects available for groups, such as spreading woodchips on the trails. Send us an email if you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity for your group or organization. We can work with you to find the perfect project!
How to Apply?
For questions or to apply, email us at sciencecenter@blm.gov. Let us know what volunteer opportunities you are interested in and your availability.
Note: Federal background checks are required for some volunteer positions.
Friends of Campbell Creek Science Center
Consider joining the Friends of Campbell Creek Science Center, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization! They help support us and recreation initiatives on Campbell Tract Special Resource Management Area. They have:
Funded scholarships for students to attend field trips. Last year, they provided field trip opportunities for 1,802 students, totaling $18,020!
Funded travel and speaker fees for special guests such as Joseph Cornell and fees for the No Man’s Land film festival.
Purchased snowshoes and other needed equipment.
And so much more!
The Friends of Campbell Creek Science Center have board member openings! Contact the Friends at info@friendsofcampbellcreek.org.