Campbell Creek Mural
When you walk into the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center, you are greeted by a beautiful mural depicting life in and around Campbell Creek. What life forms do you spot in the mural? What art are you inspired to make when you experience the natural world?
Artist Statement
This mural is a summer scene of Campbell Creek, based on my experiences working as a Student Conservation Association Intern at the Campbell Creek Science Center in 2018-19. Environmental education through art has always been one of my passions, as it can help tell a story of a place in a different way. I was honored with the chance to help tell the story of Campbell Creek.
The beauty of murals is that they don’t copy a scene straight from nature like a photograph, but instead they show you even more than you would normally see. I wanted to give people a view into Campbell Creek itself, to show how special it is and how it is an interconnected part of the surrounding forest.
Most importantly, I wanted to tell a visual story about how Campbell Creek is an important habitat for many different animals and insects, including salmon. Many people may not know that salmon swim straight through the heart of Anchorage to make their way into Campbell Creek each summer. Streams like Campbell Creek - with cool waters and shaded forests on either side - are critical habitats for baby salmon. Because Campbell Creek is clean and healthy, so much amazing life is able to live around it, from bears and foxes to tiny insects and tall cottonwood trees. I hope that when people view this mural they feel inspired to learn a bit more about the amazing life that surrounds them.
Leila Pyle is an Alaskan artist and educator.