Distance Learning Programs
Bring the BLM Alaska Campbell Creek Science Center to your digital classroom!
The Campbell Creek Science Center's virtual curricula give students hands-on, minds-on experiences with the natural world through digital technology. Guided by skilled environmental educators, your students will interact with each other in fun, practical ways to investigate science and build a team.
Offered Programs
Alaska Animals
What animals are found in Alaska? Where do they live? How do they survive? Students use reasoning and problem solving to discover why animals have different adaptations.
Grade levels: K-2
Creekside Curiosities
See live macro-invertebrates through a microscope projected right onto the screen. Through science exploration, students use their own observations to understand the importance of macro-invertebrates and what they say about water quality.
Grade levels: 4-5
Dynamic Glaciers
Discover how ice has changed Alaska over time. Learn how glaciers form, move, and carve out the landscape. Hands-on activities and engaging demonstrations will have students moving like a glacier and carving out valleys.
Grade Levels: 4-6
Forest Ecology
Calling all forest explorers! Students discover the different parts of a tree by acting them out. Explore and document history by looking at tree rings.
Grade levels: K-6
Ask A Ranger
Ask a Ranger allows curious students to interact with a Ranger.
Using questions prepared beforehand, students will have an opportunity to ask questions about all things Alaska.