Greater Sage-grouse Bibliography
Selected titles from the scientific literature pertaining to Greater sage-grouse. Over 250 articles have been identified by BLM librarians and the list continues to grow. Links are provided where applicable; for assistance locating articles, contact the BLM Library at
Able, K.P. 2000. Sage Grouse futures. Birding 32:306-316.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Aldridge, C.L. 2000. Reproduction and habitat use by Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in a northern fringe population. M.S. thesis. University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada.
Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2007. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: habitat-based approach for endangered Greater Sage-Grouse. Ecological Applications 17(2):508-526.
Aldridge, C.L., and R.M. Brigham. 2001. Nesting and reproductive activities of Greater Sage-Grouse in a declining northern fringe population. The Condor 103:537-543.
Aldridge, C.L., S.E. Nielsen, H.L. Beyer, M.S. Boyce, J.W. Connelly, S.T. Knick, and M.A. Schroeder. 2008. Range-wide patterns of greater sage-grouse persistence. Diversity and Distributions 14(6):983-994.
Allen, G. 1973. Guidelines for habitat protection in sage grouse range. Pp. 18-32 in Pyrah, D., R. Watts, R. Wallestad, and R. Trueblood (editors). Eighth Western States Sage Grouse Workshop proceedings and 1973 questionnaire, Lewistown, Montana, August 7-8, 1973.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Allred, W.J. 1946. Sage Grouse trapping and transplanting. Proceedings of Western Association State Game and Fish Commissioners 26:143-146.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 1942. Predation and the sage grouse. Wyoming Wildlife 7(1):3-4.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Alstatt, A.L. 1995. The potential impact of raven predation on sage grouse production in Nevada. M.S. thesis. University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Anthony, C. R., C. A. Hagen, K. M. Dugger, & R. D. Elmore. 2021. Greater Sage-Grouse nest bowls buffer microclimate in a post-megafire landscape although effects on nest survival are marginal. The Condor, 123(1): duaa068.
Anthony, R.G., and M.J. Willis. 2009. Survival rates of female greater sage-grouse in autumn and winter in southeastern Oregon. The Journal of Wildlife Management 73(4):538-545.
Apa, A.D. 1998. Habitat use and movements of sympatric sage[-grouse] and Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in southeastern Idaho. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
Apa, A.D. 2010. Seasonal habitat use, movements, genetics, and vital rates in the Parachute/Piceance/Roan population of greater sage-grouse. Colorado Parks and Wildlife Final Report.
Apa, A. D., K. Aagaard, M. B. Rice, E. Phillips, D. J. Neubaum, N. Seward, and S. Wait. 2021. Seasonal habitat suitability models for a threatened species: the Gunnison sage-grouse. Wildlife Research, 48(7): 609-624.
Apa, A. D., J. H. Gammonley, D. J. Neubaum, E. Phillips, J. P. Runge, N. Seward, and B. Weinmeister. 2022. Survival rates of translocated Gunnison sage‐grouse. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 46(1): e1245.
Apa, A.D., T. R. Thompson, and K. P. Reese. 2017. Juvenile greater sage-grouse survival, movements, and recruitment in Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(4):652–668.
Armstrong, J.C. 2007. Improving sustainable seed yield in Wyoming big sagebrush. M.S. thesis. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
Atamian, M.T., J.S. Sedinger, J.S. Heaton, and E.J. Blomberg. 2010. Landscape-level assessment of brood rearing habitat for greater sage-grouse in Nevada. The Journal of Wildlife Management 74(7):1533-1543.
Atamian, M.T., and J.S. Sedinger. 2010 Balanced Sex Ratio at Hatch in a Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Population. The Auk 127(1):16-22
Autenrieth, R. 1985. Sage Grouse life history and habitat management. P. 52 in K. Sanders and J. Durham (editors). Rangeland fire effects: A symposium. Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office, Boise, ID.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Autenrieth, R., W. Molini, and C. Braun. 1982. Sage Grouse management practices. Western States Sage Grouse Committee Technical Bulletin 1:1-42.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.B
Back, G.N., M.R. Barrington, and J.K. McAdoo. 1987. Sage Grouse use of snow burrows in northeastern Nevada. The Wilson Bulletin 99(3):488-490.
Baker, W.L. 2011. Pre-Euro-American and recent fire in sagebrush ecosystems. Pp. 185-201 in S.T. Knick and J.W. Connelly (editors). Greater sage-grouse: Ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats. Studies in Avian Biology, vol. 38. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 2006. Fire and restoration of sagebrush ecosystems. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(1):177-185.
Balzotti, C.S., S.G. Kitchen, and C. McCarthy. 2016. Beyond the single species climate envelope—A multifaceted approach to mapping climate change vulnerability. Ecosphere 7(9):23
Barber, T.A. 1968. Function of the cecal microflora in sage grouse nutrition. M.S. thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Barnett, J.K., and J.A. Crawford. 1994. Pre-laying nutrition of Sage Grouse hens in Oregon. Journal of Range Management 47:114-118.
Bates, J.D., K.W. Davies, A. Hulet, R.F. Miller, and B. Roundy. 2017. Sage grouse groceries: Forb response to piñon-juniper treatments. Rangeland Ecology and Management 70(1):106–115.
Baumgardt, J.A., K.P. Reese, J.W. Connelly, and E.O. Garton. 2017. Visibility bias for sage-grouse lek counts. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41(3):461–470
Baxter, J.J., R.J. Baxter, D.K. Dahlgren, and R.T. Larsen. 2017. Resource selection by greater sage-grouse reveals preference for mechanically-altered habitats. Rangeland Ecology and Management 70(4):493–503
Baxter, R.J., J.T. Flinders, and D.L. Mitchell. 2008. Survival, movements, and reproduction of translocated Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah. The Journal of Wildlife Management 72(1):179-186.
Beck, J.L., and D.L. Mitchell. 2000. Influences of livestock grazing on sage grouse habitat. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28(4):993-1002.
Beck, J.L., J.W. Connelly, and K.P. Reese. 2009. Recovery of greater sage-grouse habitat features in Wyoming big sagebrush following prescribed fire. Restoration Ecology 17(3):393-403.
Beck, J.L., K.P. Reese, J.W. Connelly, and M.B. Lucia. 2006. Movements and survival of juvenile Greater Sage-Grouse in southeastern Idaho. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4):1070-1078.
Beck, T.D.I. 1977. Sage grouse flock characteristics and habitat selection in winter. The Journal of Wildlife Management 41(1):18-26.
---. 1975. Attributes of a wintering population of Sage Grouse, North Park, Colorado. M.S. thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 1975. Game bird survey. Effects of sagebrush control on distribution and abundance of Sage Grouse: Attributes of a wintering population of Sage Grouse, North Park, Colorado. Pages 37-78 in Job Progress Report. Project number: COLO. W-037-R-28/WK.PL.03/JOB 08A. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Beck, T.D.I., and C.E. Braun. 1978. Weights of Colorado Sage Grouse. The Condor 80(2):241-243.
Beers, A. T., and S. N. Frey. 2022. Greater sage‐grouse habitat selection varies across the marginal habitat of its lagging range margin. Ecosphere, 13(7): e4146.
Beever, E.A., and C.L. Aldridge. 2011. Influences of free-roaming equids on sagebrush ecosystems, with a focus on greater sage-grouse. Pp. 273-290 in S.T. Knick and J.W. Connelly (editors). Greater sage-grouse: Ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats. Studies in Avian Biology, vol. 38. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Behnke, T., P. Street, S. Davies, J. Q. Ouyang, and J. S. Sedinger. 2022. Non‐native grazers affect physiological and demographic responses of greater sage‐grouse. Ecology and Evolution, 12(9): e9325.
Belton, L.R., S.N. Frey, and D.K. Dahlgren. 2017. Participatory research in sage-grouse local working groups—Case studies from Utah. Human-Wildlife Interactions 11(3)287–301
Benson, L.A., C.E. Braun, and W.C. Leininger. 1991. Sage grouse response to burning in the big sagebrush type. Proceedings: Issues and Technology in the Management of Impacted Western Wildlife 5:97-104. Thorne Ecological Institute.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Bentley Brymer, A.L., J.D. Holbrook, R.J. Niemeyer, A.A. Suazo, J.D. Wulfhorst, K.T. Vierling, B.A. Newingham, T.E. Link, and J.L. Rachlow. 2016. A social-ecological impact assessment for public lands management—Application of a conceptual and methodological framework. Ecology and Society 21(3) article 9, p. 22
Berry, J.D., and R.L. Eng. 1985. Interseasonal movements and fidelity to seasonal use areas by female sage grouse. The Journal of Wildlife Management 49(1):237-240.
Bizeau, E. 1960. Sage grouse management in Idaho. Pheasant Gazette 9(11):16-17.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Blake, C.S. 1970. The response of sage grouse populations to precipitation trends and habitat quality in south central Idaho. Pp. 452-462 in Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the Western Association of State Game and Fish Commissioners.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Blickley, J.L., D. Blackwood, and G.L. Patricelli. 2012. Experimental evidence for the effects of chronic anthropogenic noise on abundance of greater sage-grouse at leks. Conservation Biology 26(3):461-471.
Blickley, J.L., and G.L. Patricelli. 2012. Potential acoustic masking of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) display components by chronic industrial noise. Pp. 23-35 in C.D. Francis and J.L. Blickley (editors). The influence of anthropogenic noise on birds and bird studies. Ornithological Monographs, No. 74. American Ornithologists' Union, Petaluma, CA.
Blickley, J.L., K.R. Word, A.H. Krakauer, J.L. Phillips, S.N. Sells, C.C. Taff, J.C. Wingfield, and G.L. Patricelli. 2012. Experimental chronic noise is related to elevated fecal corticosteroid metabolites in lekking male greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). PLoS ONE 7(11):e50462.
Blomberg, E.J. 2015 The influence of harvest timing on greater sage-grouse survival—A cautionary perspective. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(5):695–703
Blomberg, E.J., D. Gibson, M.T. Atamian, and J.S. Sedinger. 2017. Variable drivers of primary versus secondary nesting—Density-dependence and drought effects on greater sage-grouse. Journal of Avian Biology 48(6)827–836
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Blomberg, E., and C. Hagen. 2020. How many leks does it take? Minimum samples sizes for measuring local-scale conservation outcomes in greater sage-grouse. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 15(1).
Blomberg, E.J., J.S. Sedinger, M.T. Atamian, and D.V. Nonne. 2012. Characteristics of climate and landscape disturbance influence the dynamics of greater sage-grouse populations. Ecosphere 3(6):1-20.
Blomberg, E.J., J.S. Sedinger, D. Gibson, P.S. Coates, M.L. Casazza. 2014. Carryover effects and the climatic conditions influence the postfledging survival of greater sage-grouse. Ecology and Evolution 49230: 4488-4499
Blus, L.J., C.S. Staley, C.J. Henny, G.W. Pendleton, T.H. Craig, E.H. Craig, and D.K. Halford. 1989. Effects of organophosphorus insecticides on sage grouse in southeastern Idaho. The Journal of Wildlife Management 53(4):1139-1146.
Bombaci, S., and L. Pejchar. 2016. Consequences of pinyon and juniper woodland reduction for wildlife in North America. Forest Ecology and Management 365 p.34–50
Borell, A.E. 1939. Telephone wires fatal to sage grouse. The Condor 41(2):85-86.
Boyce, M.S. 1980. Robust canonical correlation of sage grouse habitat. Pp. 152-159 in General Technical Report RM-87. Papers presented at a workshop on the use of multivariate statistics in studies of wildlife habitat. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO.
Boyce, M.S., and J. Tate. 1979. A Bibliography on the Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, Laramie, WY.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Boyce, M.S., D. Rothenmaier, and J. Tate, Jr. 1979. Multivariate analysis of habitat selection by Sage Grouse. Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science 11:93.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Boyd C.S., J.D. Kerby, T.J. Svejcar, J.D. Bates, D.D. Johnson, and K.W. Davies. 2017. The sage-grouse habitat mortgage—Effective conifer management in space and time. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 70(1):141–148
Boyte, S.P., B.K. Wylie, and D.J. Major. 2016. Cheatgrass percent cover change—Comparing recent estimates to climate change–driven predictions in the northern Great Basin. Rangeland Ecology and Management 69(4):265–279
Brabec, M.M., M.J. Germino, B.A. Richardson. 2017. Climate adaption and post-fire restoration of a foundational perennial in cold desert: insights from intraspecific variation in response to weather. Journal of Applied Ecology 54(1).
Bradbury, J.W., R.M. Gibson, C.E. McCarthy, and S.L. Vehrencamp. 1989. Dispersion of displaying male sage grouse. Part II, The role of female dispersion. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 24(1):15-24.
Bradbury, J.W., R.M. Gibson, and I.M. Tsai. 1986. Hotspots and the dispersion of leks. Animal Behaviour 34:1694-1709.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Bradley, B.A. 2010. Assessing ecosystem threats from global and regional change: hierarchical modeling of risk to sagebrush ecosystems from climate change, land use and invasive species in Nevada, USA. Ecography 33(1):198-208.
Braun, C.E. 2006. A blueprint for sage-grouse conservation and recovery. Grouse Inc., Tucson, AZ. BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access
---. 1998. Sage grouse declines in western North America: What are the problems? Proceedings of the Western Association of State Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 78:139-156.
---. 1995. Distribution and status of sage grouse in Colorado. Prairie Naturalist 27:1-9.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 1986. Changes in sage grouse lek counts with advent of surface coal mining. Pp. 227-231 in R.D. Comer, T.G. Baumann, P. Davis, J.W. Monarch, J. Todd, S. Van Gytenbeek, D. Wills, and J. Woodling (editors). Issues and technology in the management of impacted western wildlife: Proceedings of a national symposium. Thorne Ecological Institute, Glenwood Springs, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 1979. Evaluation of the effects of changes in hunting regulations on sage grouse populations. Job Progress Report. Project number: COLO. W-037-R-32, Job 9a. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 1978. Game bird survey: Evaluation of the effects of changes in hunting regulations on sage grouse populations. Project number: COLO. W-037-R-31/WK.PL.03/JOB 09. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 1975. Mortality, survival and effects of hunting on grouse, partridge, pheasants, and quail: An annotated bibliography. Report No. 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Braun, C.E., M.A. Schroeder. 2015. Age and sex identification from wings of sage-grouse. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(1):182–187
Braun, C. E., P. O. Dunn, G. T. Wann, M. A. Schroeder, and J. W. Hupp. 2020. Body mass and primary molt patterns of Greater Sage-Grouse in Colorado. Western North American Naturalist, 80(3): 330-336.
Braun, C.E., S.O. Williams. 2015. History of sage-grouse (Centrocercus spp.) in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 60(2–3):207–212
Braun, C.E., O.O. Oedekoven, and C.L. Aldridge. 2002. Oil and gas development in western North America: effects on sagebrush steppe avifauna with particular emphasis on sage grouse. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 67:337-349.
Braun, C.E., and T.D.I. Beck. 1996. Effects of research on sage grouse management. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 61:429-436.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.---. 1977. Effects of sagebrush spraying. P. 33 in Colorado Game Research Review 1975-1976. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Braun, C.E., T. Britt, and R.O. Wallestad. 1977. Guidelines for maintenance of sage grouse habitats. Wildlife Society Bulletin 5(3):99-106.
Braun, C.E., and W.B. Willers. 1967. The helminth and protozoan parasites of North American grouse (Family: Tetraonidae): a checklist. Avian Disease 11(2):170-187.
Brooks, M.L., J.R. Matchett, D.J. Shinneman, and P.S. Coates. 2015. Fire patterns in the range of the greater sage-grouse, 1984-2013 - implications for conservation and management. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1167.
Browers, H.W., and L.D. Flake. 1985. Breakup and sibling dispersal of two sage grouse broods. Prairie Naturalist 17:248-249.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Bruce, J.R., W.D. Robinson, S.L. Petersen, and R.F. Miller. 2011. Greater sage-grouse movements and habitat use during winter in central Oregon. Western North American Naturalist 71(3):418-424.
Brussee, B. E., P. S. Coates, S. T. O’Neil, M. A. Ricca, J. E. Dudko, S. P. Espinosa, and D. J. Delehanty. 2023. Influence of fine-scale habitat characteristics on sage-grouse nest site selection and nest survival varies by mesic and xeric site conditions. Ornithological Applications.
Bui, T.D. 2009. The effects of nest and brood predation by common ravens (Corvus corax) on greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in relation to land use in western Wyoming. M.S. thesis. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Bukowski, B.E., and W.L. Baker. 2013. Historical fire regimes, reconstructed from land-survey data, led to complexity and fluctuation in sagebrush landscapes. Ecological Applications 23(3):546-564.
Burnett, L.E. 1905. The sage grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus. The Condor 7(4):102-105.
Busek, E.A. 1973. Grounds for grouse. Soil Conservation 38:169-170.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Bush, K.L., C.L. Aldridge, J.E. Carpenter, C.A. Paszkowski, M.S. Boyce, and D.W. Coltman. 2010. Birds of a feather do not always lek together: genetic diversity and kinship structure of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta. The Auk 127(2):343-353.
Bush, K.L., C.K. Dyte, B.J. Moynahan, C.L. Aldridge, H.S. Sauls, A.M. Battazzo, B.L. Walker, K.E. Doherty, J. Tack, J. Carlson, D. Eslinger, J. Nicholson, M.S. Boyce, D.E. Naugle, C.A. Paszkowski, and D.W. Coltman. 2011. Population structure and genetic diversity of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in fragmented landscapes at the northern edge of their range. Conservation Genetics 12(2):527-542. BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access
Byrne, M.W. 2002. Habitat use by female Greater Sage Grouse in relation to fire at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Oregon. M.S. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Cade, B.S. 2015. Model averaging and muddled multimodel inferences. Ecology 96(9):2370–2382
Cagney, J., E. Bainter, B. Budd, T. Christiansen, V. Herren, M. Holloran, B. Rashford, M. Smith and J.Williams. 2010. Grazing influence, objective development, and management in Wyoming’s Greater sage-grouse habitat. Bulletin B-1203. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service, Laramie, WY.
Call, M.W. 1979. Habitat requirements and management recommendations for sage grouse. Technical Note 330. Bureau of Land Management, Denver, CO.
Call, M.W., and C. Maser. 1985. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands -- The Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: Sage Grouse. General Technical Report PNW-187. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR.
Canadian Sage Grouse Recovery Team. 2001. Canadian sage grouse recovery strategy. Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Regina, SK, and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Cardinal, C.J., T.A. Messmer. 2016. Ecology of greater sage-grouse populations inhabiting the northwestern Wyoming Basin. Human-Wildlife Interactions 10(2):188–204
Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, K.T. Smith, J.L. Beck. 2018 Nontarget effects on songbirds from habitat manipulation for Greater Sage-Grouse: Implications for the umbrella species concept. The Condor 120(2) 439-455
Carlisle, J.D., A.D. Chalfoun, K.T. Smith, and J.L. Beck. 2018. Nontarget effects on songbirds from habitat manipulation for Greater Sage-Grouse: Implications for the umbrella species concept. The Condor: Ornithological Applications, 120(2): 439-455.
Carlisle, J.D., D.A. Keinath, S.E. Albeke, and A.D. Chalfoun. 2018. Identifying holes in the greater sage‐grouse conservation umbrella. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 82(5), 948-957.
Carpenter, J.C., C. Aldridge, and M.S. Boyce. 2010. Sage-grouse habitat selection during winter in Alberta. The Journal of Wildlife Management 74(8):1806-1814.
Carr, H.D. 1967. Effects of sagebrush spraying on abundance, distribution and movements of Sage Grouse. M.S. thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Casazza, M.L., P.S. Coates, and C.T. Overton. 2011. Linking habitat selection to brood success in Greater Sage-grouse. Pp. 151-167 in B.K. Sandercock, K. Martin, G. Segelbacher (editors). Ecology, conservation, and management of grouse. Studies in Avian Biology, vol. 39. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Caudill, D. 2011. Factors affecting Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) survival and movement in south-central Utah. M.S. thesis. Utah State University, Logan, UT.
Caudill, D., M.R. Guttery, E. Leone, G. Caudill, and T.A. Messmer. 2016. Age-dependence and individual heterogeneity in reproductive success of greater sage-grouse. Journal of Avian Biology 47(5):719–723 The link is to an accepted draft of the paper, for the final version BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access
Caudill, D., M.R. Guttery, T.M. Terhune, J.A. Martin, G. Caudill, D.K. Dahlgren, and T.A. Messmer. 2017. Individual heterogeneity and effects of harvest on greater sage-grouse populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(5):754–765
Caudill, D., T.M. Terhune, B. Bibles, and T.A. Messmer. 2016. Factors affecting seasonal movements of juvenile greater sage-grouse—A reconceptualized nest survival model. The Condor 118(1):139–147
Chambers, J.C., J.L. Beck, J.B. Bradford, et al. 2017. Science framework for conservation and restoration of the sagebrush biome—Linking the Department of the Interior’s Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy to long-term strategic conservation actions. Part 1, Science basis and applications. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-360 p. 213
Chambers, J.C., J.L. Beck, S. Campbell, et al. 2016. Using resilience and resistance concepts to manage threats to sagebrush ecosystems, Gunnison sage-grouse, and greater sage-grouse in their eastern range—A strategic multi-scale approach. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-356 p. 143
Chambers, J.C., J.D. Maestas, D.A. Pyke, C.S. Boyd, M. Pellant, and A. Wuenschel. 2017. Using resilience and resistance concepts to manage persistent threats to sagebrush ecosystems and greater sage-grouse. Rangeland Ecology and Management 70(2):149–164
Chaney, L., B.A. Richardson, M.J. Germino. 2017. Climate drives adaptive genetic responses associated with survival in big sagebrush (artemisia tridentata). Evolutionary Applications
Christiansen, T. 2009. Fence marking to reduce Greater sage-grouse collisions and mortality near Farson, Wyoming: summary of interim results. Wyoming Game and Fish Department unpublished interim report.
Christiansen, T.J., and L.R. Belton. 2017. Wyoming sage-grouse working groups—Lessons learned. Human-Wildlife Interactions 11(3):274–286
Christiansen, T.J., and C.M. Tate. 2011. Parasites and infectious diseases of Greater Sage-grouse. Pp. 113-126 in S.T. Knick and J.W. Connelly (editors). Greater sage-grouse: Ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats. Studies in Avian Biology, vol. 38. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
BLM employees may contact the BLM Library for access.Clark, L., J. Hall, R. McLean, M. Dunbar, K. Klenk, R. Bowen, and C.A. Smeraski. 2006. Susceptibility of Greater sage-grouse to experimental infection with West Nile virus. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42(1):14-22.
Clawson, M.V., J.R. Skalski, J.M. Lady, C.A. Hagen, J.J. Millspaugh, D. Budeau, and J.P. Severson. 2017. Performing statistical population reconstruction using program PopRecon 2.0. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41(3):581–589
Coates, P.S., B.E. Brussee, K.B. Howe, K.B. Gustafson, M.L. Casazza, and D.J. Delehanty. 2016. Landscape characteristics and livestock presence influence common ravens—Relevance to greater sage-grouse conservation. Ecosphere 7(2):20
Coates, P.S., B.E. Brussee, M.A. Ricca, J.E. Dudko, B.G. Prochazka, S.P. Espinosa, M.L. Casazza, and D.J. Delehanty. 2017. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) nesting and brood-rearing microhabitat in Nevada and California—Spatial variation in selection and survival patterns. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017–1087, p. 79
Coates, P.S., B.E. Brussee, M.A. Ricca, J. P. Severson, M. L. Casazza, K. B. Gustafson, and D. J. Delehanty. 2020. Spatially explicit models of seasonal habitat for greater sage‐grouse at broad spatial scales: Informing areas for management in Nevada and northeastern California. Ecology and Evolution, 10(1): 104-118.
Coates, P.S., S.T. O'Neil, B.E. Brussee, M.A. Ricca, P.J. Jackson, J.B. Dinkins, and D.J. Delehanty. 2020. Broad-scale impacts of an invasive native predator on a sensitive native prey species within the shifting avian community of the North American Great Basin. Biological Conservation, 243: 108409.
Coates, P.S., S.T. O'Neil, D.A. Muñoz, I.A. Dwight, and J.C. Tull. 2021. Sage‐grouse population dynamics are adversely affected by overabundant feral horses. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 85(6): 1132-1149.
Coates, P.S., B.G. Prochazka, M.A. Ricca, B.J. Halstead, M.L. Casazza, E.J. Blomberg, and K.P. Reese. 2018. The relative importance of intrinsic and extrinsic drivers to population growth vary among local populations of Greater Sage-Grouse: An integrated population modeling approach. The Auk: Ornithological Advances, 135(2): 240-261.
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