Listed below are the databases with a BLM subscription. Each database has a brief summary of the subject material covered in each. We have posted tips and tools to help you craft your search and get more relevant results.
For assistance accessing or using any of these databases, please contact the BLM Library at
Databases and journals are subscription resources available only to BLM employees and contractors on the BLM network ("BLM users").
For a A to Z list of journals please visit here, If you already have a citation and want full text, try using the Citation Search tool.
Contains the contents of the National Agricultural Library and is the most comprehensive database of bibliographical information on agricultural research available. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. It indexes over 1,400 agricultural journals along with books, book chapters, monographs, theses, patents, translations, computer software, audio visual materials, and technical papers related to all aspects of agriculture.
American West
From early topographical sketches and pioneers’ accounts, to photographs of Buffalo Bill and his ‘Wild West’ stars, explore the fact and the fiction of westward expansion in America from the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Browse a wide range of rare and original documents including printed books, journals, historic maps, broadsides, periodicals, advertisements, photographs, artwork and more.
American History: 1493-1945
This unique collection documents American History from the earliest settlers to the mid-twentieth century. It is sourced from the Gilder Lehrman Collection, one of the finest archives available for the study of American History.
American Indians and the American West, 1809-1971
Includes a large variety of primary source records on the interactions between American Indians and the U.S. government and settlers in the 19th and 20th century. Contains records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, records from the Major Council Meetings of American Indian Tribes (1914-1971) and records on Indian Removal to the West, 1832-1840 from the Office of Commissary General of Subsistence, and much more.
American State Papers
A retrospective collection of largely Congressional, but also Executive, materials originating from 1789 through 1838. Readex’s digital American State Papers illuminates key moments in early American history as they occurred and influential decisions as they were made. This collection covers such historical events as Lewis and Clark’s Expedition, Burr’s Conspiracy and Arrest, the Treaty of the Creek Indians made by Andrew Jackson and much more.
Web-based access to the full-text of a uniquely valuable set of high-impact bioscience research journals. All of these journals are published by scholarly societies and other independent science publishers, and many are not available through other online services. BioOne offers seamless cross-journal searching and inter-journal linking from references. Register for a free account to receive email alerts and/or RSS feeds for the journals of your choice. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
Birds of the World
Birds of the World is a research database that brings together scholarly content from four works of ornithology: Birds of North America, The Handbook of Birds of the World, Neotropical Birds, and Bird Families of the World. Including millions of bird observations from eBird, multimedia from the Macaulay Library, and an audiovisual library of videos, photos and sound recordings of the world’s birds from Internet Bird Collection brought together into a single platform where biologists and birders can explore comprehensive life history information on birds. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
Climatological Data Publications
Locate climate reports, by state, from the National Climatic Data Center and NOAA Satellite and Information Service. Monthly editions contain station daily maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation. Some stations provide daily snowfall, snow depth, evaporation, and soil temperature data. Each issue also contains monthly summaries for heating and cooling degree days (65 degrees Fbase). The July issue also contains monthly heating degree days and snow data for the preceding July through June. The annual issue contains monthly and annual averages of temperature, precipitation, temperature extremes, freeze data, soil temperatures, evaporation, and a recap of monthly cooling degree days.
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database
This earth science collection from ProQuest contains earth science-related full-text articles, granular access to figures and tables within articles, and the entire range of bibliographic records from GeoRef. GeoRef provides access to the geoscience literature of the world and, with coverage from 1693 to present, is the most comprehensive database available in the geosciences. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
Pull results from multiple databases with one search! Subscription content includes the Environment Complete, Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Premier, Legal Collection, GreenFILE, and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts research databases. Databases contain peer-reviewed journal articles, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, and other primary sources. Tables of content are available for all journals as well as extensive full text article searching. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
EBSCOHost Business Source Complete
The Business Source Complete database includes over 3,500 full text business journals and magazines. The database covers all disciplines of business, containing information on topics including economics, technology, management, law, training, ethics, politics, and government. Publications of interest include Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Journal, and the Journal of Marketing. The database also includes features like videos created by the Associated Press covering a variety of business topics, access to regional business publications, and country economic reports. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
EBSCOHost Environment Complete
Environment Complete is an environmental studies database that contains full-text articles from more than 900 journals with in-depth coverage on topics like ecosystem ecology, energy, natural resources, marine and freshwater science, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, waste management, and more. Many of these resources are unique to the Environment Complete database. Environment Complete also provides access to Sustainability Watch, a resource that provides access to short summaries of best practices for business and government sustainability initiatives. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
EBSCOHost Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide
Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide is the largest index to literature about wild mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. It covers many wildlife subjects including individual species, habitat types, wildlife behavior, ecotourism and zoology. Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide is comprised of records from Wildlife Review Abstracts, formerly Wildlife Review, which was a print publication produced by the U.S. National Biological Service until 1996. Content is continually being incorporated into the database, which is updated on a weekly basis.
Encyclopedia of Life
The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) provides natural history and pictures of "all species known to science." EOL began in 2007 with the bold idea to provide “a webpage for every species." EOL brings together trusted information from resources across the world such as museums, learned societies, expert scientists, and others into one massive database and a single, easy-to-use online portal.
Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law Digital Library (formerly Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation)
Since 1955, The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law (formerly the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation) has published an entire library of books and manuals in conjunction with its Annual and Special Institutes, as well as a number of original articles published in its biannual Journal. These original, scholarly, and practical publications dealing with all aspects of natural resources law are available online through a subscription service on Fastcase called The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law Digital Library.
This database, established by the American Geological Institute (AGI) in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. GeoRef is the most comprehensive AGI database in the geosciences and continues to grow by more than 100,000 references a year. The database contains over 3 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports, and theses. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.
HeinOnline has several major legal and government document library collections of special interest to BLM users, including the Law Journal Library, the Federal Register, Treaties and Agreements, and U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals. The American Indian Law Collection contains a Dept. of the Interior Collection, which includes the annual "Decisions of the Department of the Interior" volumes. Collections are image-based and fully-searchable, meaning that they provide exact page images and enable the researcher to view all pages as they originally appeared in hardcopy, including all charts, graphs, and photographs. Also, the libraries in HeinOnline provide comprehensive coverage from the inception of each publication, something no other online publisher currently offers. Access to subscription content is for BLM/DOI users only.
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America
Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact of Native Americans with European settlers right up to photographs and newspapers from the mid-twentieth century. Browse through a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals.
JSTOR provides full text content of more than 1,300 academic journals, as well as thousands of primary sources. The BLM has access to JSTOR's Life Sciences Collection, Health and General Science Collection, Early Journal Content Collection, and Arts & Sciences I, II, and VII Collections. For a list of titles in each collection, visit and select the appropriate collection. Register for a free account to receive email alerts and/or RSS feeds for the journals of your choice. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
Check out the BLM Library's JSTOR tutorial for searching tips.
JSTOR Global Plants Database
Global Plants is a database of plant type specimens, reference works, and primary sources and is an essential resource for research in botany, ecology, and conservation studies. It contains more than two million high-resolution type specimens, and this number continues to grow. Partner-contributed reference works and primary sources, such as collectors’ correspondence and diaries, paintings, drawings, and photographs, are also housed in Global Plants. Highlights include reference works and books such as The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa and Flowering Plants of South Africa; illustrations from Curtis's Botanical Magazine; and Kew’s Directors' Correspondence comprising handwritten letters and memoranda from the senior staff of Kew from 1841 to 1928.
OnePetro is an online library of technical literature for the oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) industry with contributions from 20 publishing partners and provides access to over 200,000 items.
ProQuest Congressional Collections
Full-text of bills, laws, biographical information, reports, publications, and more from Congress.
ProQuest Legislative Insight Part B (1789-1960)
ProQuest legislative histories are comprised of fully searchable PDFs of full-text publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking. These include the full text of the Public Law itself, all versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and prints. Also included are Presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and miscellaneous congressional publications that provide background material to aid in the understanding of issues related to the making of the law.
A gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results.
Science Direct
Search or browse for citations or full text access to more than 10 million peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and book chapters. Register for a free account to receive email alerts and/or RSS feeds for the journals of your choice. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
Treesearch is an online system for locating and delivering U.S. Forest Service Research and Development publications. Publications in the collection include research monographs published by the agency as well as papers written by USFS scientists but published by other organizations in their journals, conference proceedings, or books. Research results behind these publications have been peer-reviewed to ensure the best quality science.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set (via GovINFO)
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set, commonly referred to as the Serial Set, contains the House and Senate Documents and the House and Senate Reports bound by session of Congress. It began publication with the 15th Congress, 1st Session (1817). Documents before 1817 may be found in the American State Papers. In general, it includes: committee reports related to bills and other matters, presidential communications to Congress, treaty materials, certain executive department publications, and certain non-governmental publications.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set (via Newsbank)
Reports, Documents, and Journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, constituting a rich source of primary material on all aspects of American history. Presenting every cameral publication from the 15th through 103rd Congress, the Readex U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994, provides more than 370,000 individual publications originally bound in 14,000 volumes. This definitive digital edition contains a wealth of documents, illustrations, maps and charts on cultural, legislative, military, political, social and scientific history. Access to subscription content is for BLM users only.
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, crop information, automated tools, onward Web links, and references. This information primarily promotes land conservation in the United States and its territories, but academic, educational, and general use is encouraged.
USGS Publications Warehouse
The Pubs Warehouse provides access to over 130,000 publications written by U.S. Geological Survey scientists over the century-plus history of the bureau. Contents include stand-alone reports, scientific journal articles, and proceedings as well as numbered series.