Resource Notes

A flat section of the Colorado River flowing through green trees in a red-rock canyon.Resource Notes are publications from the BLM's National Operations Center (formerly the National Science and Technology Center, or NSTC) to spotlight and communicate new technology, unusual field applications, specialized resource information, or significant technical happenings in BLM.

Resource Notes are designed to communicate information to a wide audience that may not receive wide distribution in other ways. Anyone may author an article.

Resource Notes are intended to be early announcements of technical and informational topics for Bureau of Land Management personnel and some of their customers. Information in Resource Notes is based on the experience of the author and is typically not peer-reviewed. Conclusions and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of BLM. Use of trade names does not imply U.S. Government endorsement of commercial products.

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Resource Note 1
Echinacea: How Much is Enough
Phil Dittberner, Plant Ecologist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 2 was withdrawn and is not available.

Resource Note 3
What Dinosaur Left These Tracks?
Neffra Matthews, Cartographer, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 4
Surface Geophysical Capabilities
Brent Lewis, Geologist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 5
Exploring the USGS "Virtual Earth Science Library"
Jim Turner, Geographic Sciences Laboratory Manager, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 6
The Spatial Terrain Analysis Resource Toolset (START)
Jacek Blaszczynski, Physical Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 7
Tools to Models: Some Applications of Automated Resource Analysis Tools for Ecosystem Management
Jacek Blaszczynski, Physical Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 8
Joint Fire Science Program
Bob Clark, Joint Fire Science Program, National Interagency Fire Center

Resource Note 9
Delineation from Digital Elevation Data
Jacek Blaszczynski, Physical Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 10
An Evaluation of Water Velocities in Culverts Designed with Weirs and/or Roughening Baffle
Mark Storzer, Hydrologist, BLM Colorado

Resource Note 11
Creating and Saving Query Files in the Wild Horse and Burro (HB) System
Dick Stark, Wild Horse and Burro User Representative, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 12
An Automated Species Tracking System
Jerald Farringer, Wildlife Biologist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 13
Mount Logan Wilderness: A Southern Ponderosa Pine Ecological Restoration Study
Marcy A. DeMillion and W. Wallace Covington, BLM Arizona, Arizona Strip Field Office

Resource Note 14
Paneling for Photogrammetric Mapping
Nancy K. Russell, Cartographer/Photogrammetrist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 15
Evolution of a Value-Based Process for Protecting Instream Flow
Daniel P. Muller, Supervisory Physical Scientist, and James L. Fogg, Hydrologist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 16
Restoration of Unauthorized Routes in Sensitive Species Habitats
Thomas B. Egan, BLM California, Barstow Field Office

Resource Note 17
Managing Deadwood for Bat Habitat
Michael Herder, BLM Arizona, Arizona Strip Field Office/Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument

Resource Note 18
Monitoring the Effectiveness of Bat Compatible Mine Gates
Michael Herder, BLM Arizona, Arizona Strip Field Office/Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument

Resource Note 19
Ground Cover Dynamics in a Sagebrush Steppe Community
Bruce P. Van Haveren, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 20
The Use of Aerial Photography and Historical Records to Assist Land Managers
Michael Marchase, Cartographer, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 21
A Newly Discovered Population of Arctic Char of the Kigluaik Mountains of Alaska
Joseph F. Webb, BLM Alaska, Retired

Resource Note 22
Abandoned Mine Land Hazard Awareness: What is BLM Doing to Inform the Public?
Rory Raschen, Physical Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 23
Wild Horse and Burro Population Viability
Linda Coates-Markle, Program Specialist, BLM Montana

Resource Note 24
Conservation Issues for Wild Zebra, Asses, and Horses in Africa and Asia
Patricia D. Moehlman, Chair, World Conservation Union (IUCN), Species Survival Commission, Equid Specialist Group

Resource Note 25
Deciding Which Feral Horse Populations Qualify as a Genetic Resource
D. P. Sponenberg, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virgina Tech

Resource Note 26
Density Dependence in Population Dynamics of Feral Horses
Stephen H. Jenkins, Ph.D., University of Nevada Department of Biology

Resource Note 27
Genetic Variation in Horse Populations
E. Gus Cothran, Ph.D., University of Kentucky Department of Veterinary Science

Resource Note 28
Genetic Management of Small Populations: The Special Case of Feral Horses
Oliver A. Ryder, Center for the Reproduction of Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego

Resource Note 29
Genetic Effective Population Size in the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Herd: Implications for Conservation Genetics and Viability Goals in Wild Horses
Francis J. Singer and Linda Zeigenfuss, USGS Biological Resources Division, Colorado State University Natural Resources Ecology Lab

Resource Note 30
Population Viability Analysis - General Principles and Applications
Barry Noon, Fed Sampson, and Nels Johnson, Colorado State University Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology

Resource Note 31
Methods to Collect Required Data to Develop Rigorous Population Viability Analysis (PVA) Models
Gary C. White, Colorado State University Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology

Resource Note 32
Development and Assessment of Tools That Managers Could Use to Monitor Wild Horse Populations
Francis J. Singer and Ronald Osborne, USGS Midcontinent Ecological Science Center

Resource Note 33
Viability of Feral Horse Populations on Atlantic Coastal Barrier Islands: Implications for Management
H. Brian Underwood, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York

Resource Note 34
Effects of Contraception and Removal Treatments on Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Population Demographics and Genetics
John E. Gross, CSIRO Davies Laboratory, Queensland, Australia

Resource Note 35
Summary Recommendations - BLM Wild Horse and Burro Population Viability Forum, April 21, 1999
Linda Coates-Markle, Montana/Dakotas Wild Horse and Burro Specialist, BLM Montana

Resource Note 36
Mine Revegetation in Nevada: The State of the Art in the Arid Zone
Christopher Ross, Ph.D., Physical Scientist/Reclamation, BLM Nevada

Resource Note 37
Where Did All the Deer Go? Investigating the Disappearance of Habitat from Historical Photos in a GIS System
Christopher Ross, Ph.D., Physical Scientist/Reclamation, BLM Nevada

Resource Note 38
Dealing with Holding Tank Wastes at BLM Sites
Pat Fleming, Lead Civil Engineer, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 39
Fire Effects Information System
Melanie Miller, Fire Ecologist, National Office of Fire and Aviation

Resource Note 40
Equine Infectious Anemia: Implications for Public Land Managers and Horse Owners
Dr. Charles J. Issel, DVM, Ph.D., University of Kentucky Department of Veterinary Science

Resource Note 41
Design and Construction Specifications for Bridges
Keith L. Christiansen, Structural Engineer, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 42
Understanding GPS Technology: System History, Architecture, and Fundamentals
James A. Turner, Geographic Sciences Laboratory Manager, BLM NSTC

Resource Note 43
Pilot Section 7 Consultation Process for Timber Harvest Right-of-Way Applications
Ed Lorentzen, BLM California

Resource Note 44
Landscape Stability Indicators for Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems
Bruce P. Van Haveren, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 45
Ecological Site Inventory Query (Inventory Data System)
Ned Habich, User Representative, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 46
Regional Sheet and Rill Soil Erosion Prediction with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)-GIS Interface
Jacek Blaszczynski, Physical Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 47
Use of Tracer Injections to Measure Discharge and Quantify Pollutant Loading
William P. Carey, Hydrologist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 48
Forest Vegetation Information System
Bill Williams, Forester, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 49
The Soils Suitability Extension (SSE)
Mary Beth Stulz, GIS Development Specialist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 50
VegSpec: Creating Vegetative Designs
Dr. David A. Pyke, USGS; and Brian St. George, BLM NSTC (now NOC)


Resource Note 51
Merging GPS Technologies and Geoscience
Tom Morris, Computer Specialist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 52
Protecting Relatively Uninfested Lands: Reducing Weed Spread Following Fire
Jerry Asher, BLM Oregon; Steve Dewey, Utah State University; Curt Johnson, USDA Forest Service; and Jim Olivarez, USDA Forest Service

Resource Note 53
Pre-Fire Planning Insured That the Railroad Fire Turned into an Invasive Species Management Opportunity
Charles Henry, TechLine Editor

Resource Note 54
Prepare to Handle Post-Fire Weed Explosion Within Two Years of a Fire
Charles Henry, TechLine Editor

Resource Note 55
Establishing Noxious Weed Demonstration Plots
Celestine Duncan, Weed Management Services, Helena, Montana

Resource Note 56
Prescribed Burning as a Restoration Tool
Robert R. Blank, Soil Scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Resource Note 57
Potentially Responsible Party Searches
Janet Youngdahl, Environmental Protection Specialist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 58
Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration
Steve Swanson, River Modeling Specialist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 59
Creating High-Quality Botanical Illustrations by Using a Flatbed Scanner and Adobe Photoshop
Christopher Ross, Natural Resource Specialist, BLM Nevada

Resource Note 60
Writing Statements of Work for Commercial Services
Kenneth Smith, Natural Resource Specialist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 61
The Forest Inventory and Analysis Program: A Source of Broad-scale Data About BLM Forestland
Bill Williams, Forester, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 62
Applications of Electrical Resistivity: A Surface Geophysical Method
Brent R. Lewis, Geologist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 63
Risk of Cheatgrass Invasion After Fire in Selected Sagebrush Community Types
William G. Ypsilantis, Soil Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 64
Watershed Protection on Sagebrush Steppe: Characteristics and Importance of Litter Cover
Bruce P. Van Haveren, Science and Research Advisor, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 65
Sheep Creek Resource Conservation Area: A Model of Interagency Collaboration
Bruce P. Van Haveren, Science and Research Advisor, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 66
Estimating Watershed Runoff and Sediment Yield Using a GIS Interface to Curve Number and MUSLE Models
Jacek Blaszczynski, Physical Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 67
Mechanical Treatments to Meet Resource Needs
Dennis Zachman, Supervisory Project Manager, BLM Colorado

Resource Note 68
Airborne LIDAR for Remediation of Abandoned Mine Lands
Russell Jackson, Photogrammetrist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 69
Rangeland Weeds
James A. Young and Charlie D. Clements, Range Scientists, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Resource Note 70
Sustainable Design, LEED, and the Rawlins Field Office Building
Renee Azerbegi, Mechanical Engineer and LEED-Accredited Professional, The RMH Group, and Pat Fleming, Lead Civil Engineer and LEED-Accredited Professional, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 71
Emergency Rehabilitation and Restoration Planning in a Variable Environment
Stuart P. Hardegree, Plant Physiologist and Research Leader, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Resource Note 72
Aspen Delineation Project
Ed Lorentzen, Science Coordinator, BLM California

Resource Note 73
Efficient Permanent Closure of Abandoned Mine Safety Hazards on BLM-Managed Lands
Christopher Ross, Natural Resource Specialist, BLM Nevada

Resource Note 74
Grazing of Livestock on Pricklypear after Prescribed Burning on Tobosagrass Rangelands
Tom Roberts, Natural Resource Specialist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 75
Multiple Use Management - Dixie Harrow Style
Larry Greenwood, Wildlife Biologist, BLM Utah, Richfield Field Office

Resource Note 76
Tall Whitetop (Lepidium latifolium)
James A. Young, Rangeland Scientist, Robert R. Blank, Soil Scientist, and Charlie D. Clements, Rangeland Scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Resource Note 77
Internet Plant Databases
Tom Roberts, Natural Resource Specialist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 78
Tiered Assessments Focus Plans and Project Investments on High-Priority Issues
Jerry Magee, Environmental Protection Specialist, BLM Oregon

Resource Note 79
Laser Technology for Fire Rehabilitation Project
Robert Burton, Monitoring Specialist, BLM Nevada, Winnemucca Field Office

Resource Note 80
Mancos Shale Literature Review on the Colorado Plateau
Lynn Jackson, Resource Advisor - Science and Outreach, BLM Utah, Moab Field Office

Resource Note 81
Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Dataset: Its Value to the Bureau of Land Management
Keith Francis, Physical Scientist, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 82
Evaluation of New X-Ray Fluorescence Instrumentation at HAZMAT and Abandoned Mine Land Sites
Karl L. Ford, Ph.D., Remediation Advisor, BLM NSTC (now NOC)

Resource Note 83
Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area GEOBOOK: Software Pilot for the Bureau of Land Management National Training Center
Vicki Josupait, Outdoor Recreation Planner, BLM NSTC (now NOC); Diane Nelson, GIS Training Coordinator, BLM National Training Center; and Bob Schoolar, GIS Specialist, BLM Eastern States, Jackson Field Office

Resource Note 84
Effectiveness of Raptor Perch-Deterrent Devices on Power Poles for Reducing Secondary Effects on Prey Species
Lara Oles, Wildlife Biologist, BLM Wyoming, Kemmerer Field Office

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