Avi Kwa Ame MAC Members

The majority of the 15-member committee will be made up of members of Tribal Nations with historical connection to the lands within the Monument. Additional members will include individuals representing developed outdoor recreation activities; dispersed recreational activities, including hunting or wildlife organizations; the conservation community; archeological and historical interests; local business owners; an elected official from local government; and a member of the public-at-large.

Representative Interest Term Expiration
Coleen Garcia Tribal Nations 12-13-27
Marley Juan Tribal Nations 12-13-27
Stewart Koyiyumptewa  Tribal Nations  12-13-26
Benny Tso Tribal Nations  12-13-26
Ashley Lee Developed Recreation  12-13-26
Brett Jefferson Dispersed Recreation  12-13-27
Michael Clifford Conservation Community  12-13-27
Rayette Martin Scientific Community 12-13-26
James Allen Local Business Owner 12-13-26
Kevin Schiller Local Government Entities  12-13-26
Kim Garrison Means Local Citizens 12-13-27