Resource Advisory Council Members

Every year, a call for nominations and applications is announced to appoint or reappoint members to the RAC.  Terms of appointment are 3 years unless a member is appointed to fill the remaining term of a member that resigned.  We strive to balance the RAC with a diverse representation of interests each year.  For information regarding the groups within each category, refer to paragraph 12 of the RAC Charter. 

Category 1



Term Ends

Robyn McGhee Energy & Mineral Development June 2027
Nathan Baring Grazing June 2027
Bronk Jorgensen Energy & Mineral Development Sep 2026
Lee Hart Developed Outdoor Recreation, OHV use or Commercial Rec. Sep 2026
Kathryn Martin Transportation and Rights of Way Sep 2026

Category 2



Term Ends

Rachel James Environmental Interest Jan 2026
Charles Lean Dispersed Recreation June 2027
Rod Arno Dispersed Recreation June 2027
Justin Mason Dispersed Recreation June 2027

Category 3



Term Ends

Jen Leahy Public-at-large Jan 2026
AlexAnna Salmon Alaska Native/Tribal Interests June 2027
Doreen Leavitt Elected Official June 2027
Jeff Bruno State Agency June 2027