cliffside lighthouse with ocean waves and sky

Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area

photo by Darryl Baird of a person walking along the ocean
Photo by Darryl Baird

The Bureau of Land Management is pleased to announce the opening for applications to the Artist-in-Residence (AiR) program at Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area (ONA), sponsored through a partnership between Yaquina Head ONA, the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts, and Friends of Yaquina Lighthouses.

National Conservation Lands, such as Yaquina Head ONA, are designated to conserve special features and provide exceptional opportunities for recreation and scientific research. The selected artist will be expected to work onsite to develop creative products that help promote public stewardship of the unique natural and cultural resources of Yaquina Head ONA.

Quick Links

AiR Information

Point of Contact

Katherine Fuller
750 NW Lighthouse Drive, Suite 8
Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-574-3143