Youth and Educators

Maureen Clark

Campbell Creek Science Center: growing into the future

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many organizations and businesses pivoted, heading off in a different direction to find new ways of operating.  For the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center, it was less of a pivot and more of a leap into the future.
James Hart

Imagining the new reality

It’s the peak of field trip season for the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center.

The Pandemic of 1918

The Pandemic of 1918 would go on to take more lives than WWI, or any other disease in human history, with some estimates now placing the toll anywhere between 50 and 100 million people.

Scouts talk Bones, Bottles and BLM with Bob

Bob King, BLM Alaska state archaeologist and paleontology lead, is a soft-spoken, even-keeled man whose words are often so thoughtful and deliberate that they can sometimes seem as if he’s teaching