
Arizona state director receives Advocate of the Year Award from game and fish department

The Arizona Game and Fish Commission presented BLM Arizona State Director Ray Suazo with its 2019 Advocate of the Year award at an awards banquet on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020.

Local partnership increases healthy desert bighorn sheep populations across southeastern Arizona

Desert bighorn sheep populations across southeastern Arizona have greatly increased thanks to an ongoing partnership between the BLM, Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), and the Arizona Desert

Phoenix District celebrates two decades of partnership

Partnerships are essential to carrying out the work we do, day in and day out, in order to carry out the BLM's mission.

Community Winter Access Trails Reduce Cost & Risk for Isolated Alaskans

Orange juice for $19, a family pack of Oreos™ approaching $10, and a chunk of watermelon for $35 is an economic reality for people – mostly Alaska Natives  – living in communities within the N

BLM Partners with Community to Restore Wildlife Habitat at Kuna Butte

BLM collaborated with the Birds of Prey NCA Partnership to join over 70 volunteers at Kuna Butte to replant native shrubs and wildflowers and restore wildfire habitat damaged by wildfire.