
BLM Utah Fire takes flight for conservation: A Dingell Act success story

Across the landscapes of Utah, where the natural beauty of the land is as vast as it is diverse, a remarkable initiative is taking flight.

Halftime Takeaways: looking forward from the mid-point of this year’s core fire season

We find ourselves at the midway point another core fire season, but this year’s season has been unique.

Wildfire Matters: A podcast about the people in wildland fire management

The Wildfire Matters podcast focuses on the people who help manage and protect our public lands. Many of them have dedicated their lives to the profession.

BLM transfers wildland fire engine and boat to local fire department

The Bureau of Land Management Arizona (BLM) recently transferred wildland fire equipment to one of its rural wildland firefig

Fuel Treatments in South Dakota Reduce Wildfire Risk

By: Morgan Rubanow, Public Affairs Specialist with BLM Oregon/Washington

In South Dakota, two veteran wildfire mitigation crews are protecting local communities through targeted fuels red