Cultural Heritage and Paleontology

Fort Craig, New Mexico and the Battle of Valverde

Story by Michael Merritt, Archaeologist. Photos by Brenda Wilkinson, Archaeologist, and Matthew Brady.

Rachel Wootton

Petroglyphs Hidden in Plain Sight: Insights into the Prehistoric Rock Imagery of Utah’s West Desert

On a chilly yet sunny day in late January, BLM Salt Lake Field Office staff and archaeologists from the Utah State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) ventured across desolate mudflats and windblown tumbleweeds in Utah’s West Desert.

Team effort restores the BLM-managed Guadalupe Ruin to its original glory

Story by Sean I. Daugherty, Archaeologist, and Cynthia Herhahn, Archaeologist. Photos courtesy of Garry Joe, National Park Service Restoration Specialist.

Greg Shine

Spotlight on the historic Shirk Ranch

How many times have you driven by an old barn or homestead and wanted to stop, get out and explore its hidden history? At BLM-administered sites like the Shirk Ranch, you can. Nestled deep in the Lakeview District’s Guano Valley, the historic Shirk Ranch transports visitors back in time to Oregon’s homesteading and early ranching days.